Saturday, July 17, 2010

Twins with Singular Perspectives

I am a twin.  My sister and I are complimentary but very different in so many ways including our political views, physical appearances, families and vacations. She has always been the nice one; the sweet one; the one who befriended the down trodden and odd.  I have always been the bitchy one.

Today is our birthday and another area where we differ.  You see Annie loves her birthday, whereas I hate any reminder that I am speeding toward my death.  I will not go gently into that dark night.  We always try to talk on our birthdays.  She lives in Chicago and it is difficult for us to get together to celebrate so at least we chat on our day.  Last year was no different.  I can't remember who called whom but I can clearly remember her voice.

She was elated.  Apparently her staff decorated her office and there were flowers, balloons and a cake.  The planned evening celebration included a pleasantly coiffed family and an expensive restaurant.  She reminisced about past celebrations and how fun it is to have everyone thinking of you.

My response was a little different.  I mentioned the aches and pains, the cynicism, the bleak future dotted with doctor visits, loss of senses and of course complete removal from participation in any marketing demographic outside of adult diapers and gravestones.  I explained my boys try to cheer me up but I prefer to wallow in self pity.

How can two people who shared a womb have such different outlooks.  All I can think is that I was first and therefore had to pave the path.  Maybe my view has always been more frightening.

Happy Birthday my optimistic twin.  Your excitement and enthusiasm for the day pokes a little sunshine into my dark mood.

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