Thursday, July 22, 2010

Cause of Insanity: Fly

Yesterday evening I was pretty sure that the title of this blog was what my medical records were going to say if I was unable to kill the persistent demon flying around my study.  For three days I have heard a constant buzzing around my head whenever I sat at my desk, adjusted the stereo, looked for a book or worked on my computer.  Frankly it was making me crazy.

The disgusting insect was channelling some Charles Manson energy, as was evident by his mind games.  He would not leave the study.  So I would forget about him when I left that room.  Forget until I sat down to work on the computer.  Then he would give me just enough time to really get into what I was doing before he started circling my head.   Or I would chase him around the windows for an hour only to have him disappear.  Where did he go?  I would leave the room only to enter after a couple hours and have the whole ordeal start again.

I am also pretty sure he had a cloaking device because I could hear him even though I could not see him.

It was man (woman) against beast (insect) and I was losing.  Of course he would not appear or make a sound when I brought my husband or son into the room.  No he was too smart for that.  The irritation was just for me.

Today the stars were aligned and the better man won.  He stopped on the window and I grabbed my son's wallet from the desk.   The rest is Darwinian history.  Fly: 0 Bonnie: 1.


  1. I have your flies whole family at my house; cousins, brothers, sisters, ANTS, and uncles!

  2. Love the pic, and did you say "die, sucker" at just the right moment? That's required.

  3. Glad the fly family is not at my place. I will lend you my wallet :-). I did use some obscenity when I smashed him!
