Sunday, July 4, 2010

4th of July Bunting

I am not a big fan of holiday decorations.  Excluding that weekend in November when I deluge my rooms with green and red trinkets, I do not embellish the house to celebrate any other calendar day. It's not that I can't understand the purpose.  When my son was small every real and make believe event was greeted with some obnoxious paper cutout for the window, or figurine for the tables.  Halloween was his favorite which meant spider webs, fake blood, monsters and mind numbing eerie music.

Lately, I am becoming more annoyed by the tacky decorations than ever before.  The big holidays I can almost deal with, mocking the giant snow globes and easter bunnies.  But the others are just too offensive to my sense of sight.  For some reason the Fourth of July decorations annoy me most.  Exactly how does a string of boating flags in stars and strips help you celebrate independence?  What is it about red, white and blue bunting that makes us feel patriotic?
I consider myself somewhat patriotic.  Grateful and happy to be living in the USA although not always thrilled with our political decisions internationally or domestically.  Does that mean that I have to line up miniature flags on my lawn or purchase one of those giant Uncle Sam blow ups?

Instead of the damn bunting, why not show our patriotism by using a little less gas this weekend?  Or maybe by reading a book on an historical event to help understand the toils experienced here.  Consider a visit to a landmark or location that would evoke an appreciation for our land. 

Yes its easier to fire up the grill and bite into some flag inspired dessert. And yes I will probably be doing much of the same.  But can we at least refrain from hanging the hideous bunting?

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