Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Congratulations on Your Horrible Day

I have been thinking about celebrations.  How whenever something good happens, your friends and family ask how you plan on celebrating or everyone gets together to celebrate.  That is all well and good however, I think that is when you least need a party.  We should change the norm to have a get together or party when you are feeling low.

For example, you just lost your job.  Now would be a good time for your friends to get together and take you out.  First you are probably worrying about money so it would be nice if someone else paid.  Plus they can cheer you up.  Or when you lost the game, failed the test, missed the opportunity.  Isn;t this when you need a couple cocktails and laughs?

When good things happen I am already pretty happy and the win is the best celebration of all.

I'll work on this and let you know if it is successful.  If not, I will need a party :-)


  1. LOVE that idea! You are so right. Some people may need a party a week or every other day!

  2. Gwen we are going to make this work! We will be known as the bad day celebrators!
