Saturday, July 3, 2010

Spies Among Us

You have seen a ton of movies, sit coms and TV miniseries with the undercover spy plot.  But how often do you see that drama played out in the NY TIMES?  Apparently there is a ring of Russian spies living as parents in New York.

Frankly I am not all that surprised about spies.  Seems a little antiquated but I am sure this type of thing  happens between governments.  What shocks me is that these parents have been able to keep up a double life, secret from there children, for more than a decade.  Hiding birthday presents i can handle.  I can even manage the afternoon nap for mommy and daddy.  But that's as undercover as it gets.

How do you manage the schedule? I would assume spies have to monitor suspect activities and write status reports on a regular basis.  When does that happen?  Unless these "parents" have some specialized technology to add hours to the days, I do not see it possible.

With all the "hats' we were, spy would throw me over the edge.  You have to be the disciplinarian mom, the martha stewart baking mom, the encouraging mom, the cool mom, the adoring mom, the worried about college mom, the don't drink mom...the list goes on and on.  How do you manage the secret agent mom?

Instead of putting these parents in prison, I say we expose them to intense interviews with PhD's and self help authors.  Maybe we can learn something, creating the New Dr. Spock book.


  1. I think I'd make the perfect spy, but I'm empty nested with plenty of time on my hands. In fact, I have an upcoming post about finding who accused my poor lawnboy of something he didn't do. Stay posted.

    Though you could do it to, Bon - you're a "consultant", right? Perhaps you really are a spy?

  2. Cannot wait to hear about the lawnboy. Keep my consulting cover a secret.
