Saturday, February 27, 2010

Loss Prevention Agent

I am walking into Rite Aid yesterday and cannot help noticing the sign on the door.  It was advertising the need for a Loss Prevention Agent. Wow, doesn't that sound like a cool job.  As I read the job description, I realized a Loss Prevention Agent is a security guard.  Apparently this particular drug store is experiencing some theft.

This title is awesome.  How creative!  It is the first time I heard a security guard referred to in that way, so I checked it out on line and guess what - it is a common legitimate term and covers a lot more than just protecting the door.  Salaries are about $11 to $18 per hour and places like The Gap, Costco, Hilton Resorts and more are all advertising for this expertise.

Now I am thinking I need a new, creative title.  Trophy wife is old, housewife is hideous, and this little blog thing is not enough to call myself a writer.  Hmmm....what about Philosopher of Daily Activities (blogger) or Executive Director of 551 Lafayette (housewife) or Personal Psychological Consultant (mother, wife, sister, friend, etc)?

Friday, February 26, 2010

Free Pancakes

A couple days a week I need to pick up my son from school and take him directly to an activity like guitar practice or tutoring.  On those days we usually stop at Tim Horton;s to get a snack.  This week he insisted we go to IHOP.  I am not a fan, but fine we go to get him some breakfast food.

We walk in at about 3:45 pm and it is packed.  I mean almost all the tables are full.  Very odd for this time of day.  Reviewing the menu, he orders steak and eggs, I get an omelette.  Odd because he usually orders pancakes.  While waiting for our food, we notice a placard on the table announcing today is free pancake day.  These signs are everywhere.  How did we miss free pancake day while we were right there and there is a sign everywhere you look? So some reason we burst out laughing at how unaware we are.  Our meal comes with a side of free pancakes.  We are hysterical.  Well that explains the crowds all eating their free pancakes.

As I later found out, IHOP does an annual free pancake day to raise money for a children;s organization nationally.  What a great idea and worthy cause.  However in speaking with the manager, I found that last year they gave out over 20,000 pancakes and only raised $1400 for the charity.  Isn't that sad?  Made me really look differently at those tables of people with nice clothes, driving in luxury cars and walking out without contributing.  Shameful.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Undeclared Teachers

You know those people who have taught you something significant in your life, but you don't realize it at the time?  I am not talking about your academic teachers or your career mentors, but people who trained you in some life lesson.  Well I was just thinking about one such person last night.

You see I am active in the WNY Women's Fund (quick plug - this is an amazing organization doing a lot of good for women and girls in WNY so if you are looking to donate some funds or time consider this org).  We are having an event tonight and  I voluntered to create the take home bags.

We are only expecting 40 people, but I got a little crazy.  Must have cookies with the org name iced on them, must have curling ribbons, must have bright tissue paper and tulle, inside stuffers must all be packed the same way, colors must be right...blah blah blah.  Really want to take one, so entice with a pretty presentation, include a treat and maybe the guests will look at and use the pledge card inside.  This little activity took me 4 HOURS.  Am I nuts?

So I ask myself why so obsessive?  One word comes back...SARAH.  The lovely Sarah took me under her wing as a co-chair for the Park School Auction a bizillion years ago.  I was a clueless nubbie.  She taught me to care about the little things and how to make an event beautiful.  Actually all of those brilliant women who worked the auction to raise tons of money for the school, formed me like clay.

Although I may have sworn Sarah's name last night as I couldn't get the damn ribbons even, I have to say a big thank you to my teacher.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

To Salt or Not to Salt

The NY TImes ran an interesting article on salt consumption and the potential change in national dietary guidelines.  If I were to strictly adhere to our nutritional guidelines, I would need an additional two hours a day to read all the findings and figure out how and what I should be eating.

The salt thing throws me.  When I was growing up, my mother was notorious for limiting our salt usage.  I remember my sister salting everything and getting yelled at in the process.  I am a lover of salt, actually a lover of most seasonings.  When I lived Chicago, I did my own salt consumption study and not intentionally.

I was working constantly and my diet consisted of coffee, popcorn (with butter and salt) and ramen noodles.  Oh yes the ramen noodles were wonderful - cheap, easy to make and yummy.  You just knew they couldn't be good for you.  So after about a month of this diet (add the occasional cocktail and weekend pig out), I came face to face with my dietary demon.  In the middle of the night I woke up, dying of thirst, with a wicked headache and completely swollen.  I mean my hands looked liked sausages and my even my face was puffy.  I guzzled about a gallon of water and took 4 tylenol.  The next morning I wasn't doing that much better.  Filled myself with coffee and pushed on.

My mom's words about salt were ringing in my ear.  I checked out the ramen noodle package.  Holy cow, I might as well have just dumped the salt shaker into a bowl and spooned it into my mouth.  I quickly found that the less ramen noodles the less midnight puffies.  I found my high water mark for salt intake.

I still love ramen noodles and indulge on occasion, but I am a believer that there is a limit on how much salt is too much. Not that we should ignore the national guidelines, but we really need to see what works for us.  Its not really that hard to do.  You know when enough is enough.  The difficulty is not in knowing, its in limiting.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Planning your Life

Yesterday an acquaintance was telling me about her recent endeavors (business and personal) and had mentioned that she feels the need to plan her life.  An inspirational speaker she recently read, stated that was his only regret....that he did not plan his life.

I need to disagree and am curious if most people feel as I do or otherwise.  I have never planned my life.  My career was dictated by a serious of decisions, not by a purposeful roadmap.  As for my husband, one day I fell in love and knew I had to marry him.  When I decided I wanted a family, we were blessed with our son.  But never did I make conscious plans or efforts to get to the certain point.  At least I don't think so.

Would things have been different if I did?  I really had no idea what I wanted.  I am pretty happy now and still think I am taking things as they come.  Should I change?

I guess if I wanted to plan out what I wanted it would be abstract things that I really cannot control.  Like making sure Max turns out to be a great, strong, successful and mostly happy man.  I would add, make sure my marriage stays vibrant and my husband and I happily grow old together.  Those are the biggies.  Other things like vacations, lifestyles, and financial success seem to elude me.  If I want to travel, we do. It doesn't seem to me that I need to write it down and severely plan it out.  I like the somewhat spontaneous way we live.

Don't get me wrong, we have safety nets set up for rainy days and we try to live good lives daily.

Do most people plan their lives?  I guess if you really know what you want, believe that is the best thing for you, and think you understand the right steps to get there, it is good to have a plan.  Maybe it's a lot like writing down your New Year Resolutions.

Please take a moment to write a comment and let me know if I should be planning and if I should be working with my son on the planning of his life.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Tyger Tiger Burning Bright

Tiger Woods, the man, sickens me.  However I don't feel that he needs to apologize to me for his infidelity.  He needs to apologize to his wife, his family and his sponsors.  I couldn't care less.

Why did he need to have a press conference?  It's his prerogative to act like an animal, to be a weak man, to embarrass himself and to ruin his sponsorships.  But I hardly think it is news.  He is famous because he is a fantastic golfer.  That's it.  He certainly wouldn't be famous because of what an amazing man his is.

I was listening to comments by the general public and one woman stated that she needs him to rebuild his integrity for her to purchase the products he endorses.  I find this ridiculous.  I totally understand buying golf clubs that he recommends, possibly sports drinks and now maybe condoms.  But why would I buy a car or a watch simply because a golf pro endorses it?  And why would I think that his golf club endorsement is no longer valid because he is a cheater?

Have we become such a lazy nation of followers that we need a "star" to tell us what to buy?  I understand the marketing involved and I know that it works and it is not new.  It just makes me ill to think so many people are unable to make their own decisions.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

I am sick

I hate being sick.  It started last night and now I am miserable.  Not to mention making my family miserable.  You see I am a big baby when it comes to being ill.

Although I despise the vulnerability and weakness associated with being sick, I really want everyone around me to stop what they are doing and take care of me.  That includes bringing me tea with lemon, rubbing my back, getting me tissues and nyquil and especially listening to me moan and cry.

I think people are divided into two camps: t hose who want to be left alone and those who want to be taken care of.  My husband is one who wants to be left alone.  This causes a dilemma because I of course want to take care of him because I want to be taken care of when I am sick. He wants to run away when I am sick.

Tonight I was looking forward to attending a fiction reading session and a music party at a friend's house.  I don't think I will be able to make either which only makes me feel worse.  Even if I could get myself doped up enough to attend, is it fair to go to a party and get everyone else sick.

UGH.  I am done.  My head is killing me.  Are you feeling bad for me yet?

Hunt for Great Shampoo

I am constantly trying to find great shampoo.  I know there are causes far greater than this, but shampoo is my focus today.  See what I focus on when I am not working?

Of course they all clean your hair but I want one that leaves it perfect, with nice shine, volume and soft smell.  I have tried shampoo ranging in price from $2 a bottle to get this $80 a bottle.  Now I can honestly say that price doesn't make that much of a difference in this instance.

I used to love Bumble & Bumble but hated driving out to a Williamsville salon to get it.  If I planned in advance I could get it online but I am not always that good with my hair care.   Then I loved this mail order stuff called OOKISA.  It was really expensive but I think it worked well.  Problem here is that the company stopped shipping to me but kept billing my credit card.  You know I have tried a ton from the perfect smelling ones to the thickening ones to the shiny ones.

Today I bought I new kind.  While in the store, I thought it smelled terrific.  Came home washed and dried my hair and thought this is a winner. One problem - it is apparently men's shampoo and I guess I liked the smell so much because it smells like my husband.  And now I smell like my husband.  Not really the effect I was hoping for. Can't wait to hear what he thinks about it.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Death by Spinning

We scheduled our vacation and now I only have a few weeks to get this flabby body into bathing suit shape.  Some people may think the appropriate approach is to watch what you put into your mouth and start exercising.  Now I have a better plan... join yet another gym!

A friend (who has lost about 20 pounds in the past year and looks great) suggested I take a spinning class at her gym.  How could I say no?  She looks amazing.  This cannot possibly be difficult, it's biking in place.  Please, I can do that.

So I pack my water bottle, towel, sneakers and fitted sweat pants.  We get to the class 15 minutes early so she can introduce me to the instructor, and set up my bike.  The instructor is fabulous and the people in the class are friendly, encouraging and what appears to be pretty dedicated.  The music is loud with a lot of base.  I worked up a major sweat and didn't fall off the bike.  Actually enjoyed it.  Had a blast.  Ok I am in.  Fill out the forms, join the JCC.  Perfect.

Then around 6pm, I find I cannot get off the chair in the dining room.  OMG.  I am in excruciating pain. My thighs have somehow taken on 250 pound weights and my butt is cramped.  CRAMPED.  I may have the first documented case of butt paralysis caused by a stationary bike.  Starting to rethink that snowboarding idea.

Now what do I do?  I already joined and frankly was a little obnoxious about how well I did during the class and how it wasn't as bad as I expected.  I would look like an idiot if I quit. But I can't imagine how I will ever be able to pick up my leg again to get onto a bike!

A couple motrin and possibly an early morning Bloody Mary will preclude my next class. This better work or my next step is just buying a bunch of house dresses and calling it quits!

After the BAC, Amherst Hills Tennis, the YMCA, Allentown Athletix, The Saturn Club, and now the JCC, it seems the only thing experiencing weight loss is my wallet.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Board Delusions

It is a good thing I am a middle aged women, confident in myself, adult like and mature.  Otherwise I would have a huge crush on Shaun White (he is the American snowboarder who won another gold medal last night).  I spent last night with him, well he was winning a medal and I was in my pjs on the coach watching.

I think he really makes this look easy and so much fun.  Not to mention, are the snowboarders the "cool" guys?  They are wearing trendy outfits, listening to ipods and joking around with each other.  And the giant screen on the top of the slope showing their profiles is a nice touch.  It's as if its just another party on the hill.

I am really starting to think I can do this.  Seriously, I am a fairly bright woman, in ok shape. This is what I am thinking... I send him and his team my recent snowboarding shots.  Aren't they amazing?  If I could get my ass up to stand I would probably be better, but hell I will work on it.

Next, I visit a half pipe with him.  I drop in with my Double McTwist 1260 and nail the landing.  Oh yeah I know the lingo.

Then I wake up and realize I am not a teenager, I have aches and pains and let's face it I suck at snow boarding.

Ah the boy is a real cutie and I am enjoying watching him.  He is so laid back and just plain "cool". Now I can see why my son is so enthralled  by all this.

Again, its a good thing I am a mature woman who doesn't think in terms of fantasy anymore :-).

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Library Enthusiasts in Kenmore

I promised my son I would pick up two specific books at the Kenmore library today.  He had researched what he wanted on line, found the books were at this specific location and gave me the library hours.  I thought that was significant enough to have me run this brief errand, plus I have a secret love of visiting libraries (bizarre huh?).

I had never been to the Kenmore location so I pull into the parking lot at 9:59 (it opens at 10 am) and there are no parking spots available.  Glancing toward the entrance I see a line of at least 40 people.  Holy cow, I didn't know Kenmore had such library enthusiasts! So from the time I parked my car and walked into the place, I keep thinking how amazing this was.  What was this location doing to gather a line outside?  Does Kenmore have a statistically brighter population?  Seriously I was pleasantly dumbfounded.  In the 5 minutes it took me to get to the door, I had already planned out a strategy for speaking with Kenmore politicians to see what they were doing right.

The dream ended when I walked through the entrance doors.  The library is located upstairs so why is the line downstairs ?  I go upstairs and there are a few, maybe 4 people in this beautiful space.  So what's with the line downstairs?  According to the librarian, free tax help was offered downstairs and that was what drew the crowd. When I told her my earlier thoughts, she laughed with a kind of regret.  Guess they don't grow them brighter in Kenmore, just fiscally more confused.

Anyway, the librarian was helpful.  I found the books and will visit again.  I am becoming such a fan of libraries.  In the past year, I have taken out books for my book club, I have taken my father in law on a field trip and I have hung out with coffee.  The only problem is I really despise reading books that have obviously been read before by someone who insisted on eating while reading.  Totally gross.

Scents of Nostalgia

The other day I caught a familiar smell.  It stopped me and I was immediately transported to my senior year of college.  Has that ever happened to you, where a scent can bring back a situation so vivid and real that you swear you are reliving it?

For me this was Giorgio, the perfume I wore in college.  I think I have a relatively strong sense of smell and although I frequently experience the past via my nose, I seem to really notice it with perfumes, soaps and hair products.  I remember my sister Ann's scent  in college as Lauren and my mother-in-law's (from the time I was dating her son) as Obsession.  I could even recognize my mom's scent when I was married but cannot remember the name.

When I moved to Chicago, I took my sister to the Bloomingdales on Magnificent Mile and met with a fragrance consultant (oh yeah its a real position).  After about an hour interviewing me, discussing my desires and sniffing several mists, she recommended Bouchron.  I love this perfume and have worn it ever since.  I have briefly tried a couple others over the years but ALWAYS go back to Bouchron.  I thought when I stopped working I should try a new perfume for this new chapter in my life.  Well no.  maybe I will try again when I am a senior citizen.

I love it that my clothes and my things all have this scent.  My co-workers said they could tell when I was near because of a hint of this smell.  I would have DIED if they thought I bathed in it!  There is a fine line.  Speaking of fine lines,  I think pachouli oil should be banned and Axe body spray for men should come with a governor stopping boys at one squirt!

When my beautiful niece turned 10, I sent her a fragrance that I hoped would help her understand the scent experience.  Of course she will change as she grows up but I hope that she will always be able to remember her good times and the people she was with via a fleeting scent.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Olympic Coverage by CTV

This year I am hooked on the Olympics and can't seem to get enough of the actual sport, the feature stories and even the commentary.  Not only can I get coverage on NBC but I can also switch to CTV to get the Canadian perspective.

The sporting events are thrilling and the athletes are amazing, but what I find fascinating is the difference in  CTV coverage versus NBC coverage.  If you watch CTV you will hear about the sport and the athlete, but the voice will be bland unless it's a Canadian athlete.  The pride in their country is overwhelming. 

Last night Canadian's received their first gold metal on home turf when the men's moguls was won by Alexandre Bilodeau.  The guy is something to watch, but there were also two other winners (silver and bronze).  CTV reported on the American B. Wilson bronze winner, by saying ...Wilson, virtually unknown outside of his own house.  Hysterical.  The poor guy wins a bronze and is kind of insulted at the same time.  The CTV newscasters also congratulate every Canadian athlete who scores in the top 20, even when they don't mention the top 5 winners.

It may have been my imagination, but I couldn't help hear the disdain in the announcers voice when he spoke of that American speed skater.  Apolo Ohno is incredible but the announcer couldn't even say his name.

On the other hand NCB announcers seem generally excited about all the events and all the athletes.  Granted our features are on our athletes, which I would expect and desire.  But our coverage team seems to be a little less biased. 

If you can, check out the CTV coverage.  It is amusing.  USA! USA! USA!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

"Jack" in the Box

For the past several seasons, my husband has purchased Sabres tickets for about 1/2 dozen games.  He gets 6 tickets in the box so that our son can invite some friends.  Although I am not a huge hockey fan, these evenings are a great night out with food, wine and laughs.  Yesterday's event was not.

The box at the arena holds about 20 people and in the past the other people we have been with are considerate, polite and even fun.  That was not the case last night, as this idiot who I will call "Jack" proudly displayed his social etiquette ignorance and blatant obnoxiousness.

Period 1:  The rows of seats consist of 4 or 5 seats separated by a small table.  Behind the seats is a counter that seats 4.  Several people are scattered about, however the last row has 4 open seats.  Jack sees that we have four teenagers who want to sit together so instead of taking one of the other 2-3 seat areas, he throws his coat down to "save a seat".  Jack  HAD to sit in that exact location.  From the box we have an unobstructed view of the entire ice and the jumbo tron.  There is a small TV to the right.  The boys turned the tv station to see the olympics results and Jack has to complain.  So in his adult manner, he leans over and asks the boys if they know the station for the hockey team.  They respond yes, so he stated "good, turn it to hockey".  What the actual game and jumbo tron aren't enough?  You have to show your big man by being sarcastic and demanding to teenagers?

Period 2:  Jack finds a way to get his friends into the box (one of which is a local news personality).  Now he takes up all the seats and our boys (being so much more polite and considerate than this a*&^ole) are sitting in the chairs unable to see the game.  Jack and his friends decide that they need to take photos of themselves in the box and make a huge ordeal out of it.  What are you 12 year old girls at a concert?  By the way Jack, we paid for 6 tickets do you think you could have your freebie friends realize those seats are not for them?

Period 3:  Now Jack and his box crashers decide to loudly discuss Phil Collins (who by the way I cannot stand), their experiences with female interns (totally inappropriate), and how expensive beer is in the box.  Ever try to ignore a group of pompous guys who apparently want to be heard?

Our boys still had a great time and their behavior was beyond reproach.  I would be embarrassed to be married to any of Jack and his friends who acted liked spoiled toddlers.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Hallmark Holiday

Happy Valentine's Day!  I know it is a fabricated celebration dreaded by the lonely and overblown by the romantic but I like it.  There is something so sweet about being remembered on a day simply because someone cares about you.

As a kid my father would always buy my sisters and I chocolate hearts with our names iced on them.  It was so thoughtful and really made us girls feel special.  As we grew up, each of us looked forward to sharing our Valentine Day events, and maybe bragging just a little.  Even so much as going out together to celebrate when a special someone was not in the mix.

My first boyfriend Valentine was a huge box of chocolates in a beautiful purple and pink box with ribbons and bows.  Nice way to start the dating gift giving expectations.

I was living in Chicago while my husband (boyfriend at the time) was in med school in Buffalo when our first Valentine's Day rolled around.  He was so wonderful about writing to me daily or at least every other day.  On Feb 14th, he called in the evening and was a little odd.  I had come home late and there was not a card.  Ok I was a little disappointed but not really a big deal (I was really really infatuated with him so it just did not matter).  There was a pretty good snow storm hitting the city so my two hour commute was ugly and he sounded so bizarre on the phone, I was ready to just go to bed.  We hung up and the door bell rang - it must have been 10:30pm.  It was the florist delivery boy with roses and daisies (my favs at the time).  He apologized profusely about the time blaming the weather.  I was thrilled that my (eventual) husband remembered.  I called him to thank him and he admitted to being weird earlier because I hadn't mention the flowers.  I guess it did bug me.

At the end of this month we will be married 18 years and our Valentine Days have changed.  Sometimes we celebrate with our son, sometimes at romantic dinners with flowers, and sometimes with a pizza and a movie.  But he has never failed to give me a thoughtful card.

It doesn't matter how old you are or how sure you are of your relationship - it always feels good to be remembered on Valentine's Day.

Flowers arrived this morning from my boys :-).

Friday, February 12, 2010

Internet Bus

A school district in Arizona has incorporated WiFi technology into one of their school buses allowing students to access the internet while riding to or from school.  This internet bus has virtually eliminated bus rowdiness and replaced it with engaged teenagers working (or playing) on the net.

I love this idea.  Homework seems to be out of control.  It is not unusual for my son to have 2 1/2 hours of homework a night.  This makes for a long school day.  Why not use technology to give kids the choice to work on the way home?  If that means they are focused on a productive task instead of using idle hands and minds to cause trouble, great.

However, I do think it raises some questions regarding this generation and our societal shift.  Our efficiency has become so good that we can continue to add more tasks to our days.  Don't our kids need some downtown?  I remember a 2 hour commute I did for over a year while living in Chicago.  Although traffic made me a little crazy, it did give me time to clear my head from the work day.  When do our kids get to relax?  After homework it is rushing to a sport or music practice or community service requirements.  Are we teaching them that a little time during the day to be "off" is not permitted or regarded well?

It's obviously beneficial to the bus drivers that the internet has eliminated or vastly reduced poor behavior.  But I think that is the easy way out.  Our kids need to be taught how to occupy themselves constructively and how to behavior appropriately when a distraction like the web isn't available.  The problem exists, this is just a cover up.  This internet bus is a new thing so of course the kids are interested in it, but if manners and self control are not taught the kids will simply get over this distraction and we will have to find another way to reduce poor bus behavior.

I would be curious to see the quality of work produced on the bus versus at home.  Can our teenagers avoid the bus distractions and friends to produce thoughtful work?  I would hope so.  Or is the bus another option for homework procrastinators?  With this option we should also talk about time management.  This would be a terrific research project.

I guess in the long run it doesn't matter too much.  I would argue for WiFi everywhere.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

McQueen Suicide

I was saddened to see that Alexander McQueen (designer) died of an apparent suicide today at age 40.  Granted I never knew this person but I did respect his work and think it is a loss to those of us interested in fashion and trendy clothing.

Don't you wonder why people, who appear to be so successful living these inferred amazing lives, decide to kill themselves?  I don't understand it.  Maybe its because I am not close to anyone with such severe depression or mental illness.  I would hope that I as a friend or relative I would be able to see their pain and help in some small way.

It is interesting to me that the Psychology Bible is going through a revision in defining their categories for mental illnesses and afflictions.  Apparently they want a specific diagnosis for anyone who is feeling blue for two weeks.  Isn't that just life?  Not really an affliction.  I think it is probably to make the prescription process easier, but I wonder if it is dangerous to make people believe that being sad for a couple of weeks is abnormal.  Then again maybe if we address a perceived depression early, we can help people like Mr. McQueen realize the joy of living.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

The End of the Bake Sale?

This week the white house is beginning its efforts to eliminate junk food from schools.  The rising rates of obesity in children and the costs of health care are some of the factors dictating this move.  At first I thought this was a no-brainer.  But of course nothing is easy when it comes to political policy.

I believe junk food like soda, candy bars and chips , does not belong in school vending machines.  The "out of sight out of mind" cliche seems to work for kids and junk food.  At least I believe that when they are young.  Why can't the schools simply offer better options in vending machines.  No reason a kid can't satisfy a hunger with water, juice, granola and pretzels.

The problem occurs in drawing the line.  Does this mean that you cannot offer sugary foods or dessert in the cafeteria line?  Does it mean that you cannot sell candy bars and hold bake sales as fund raisers?  What about bringing in cupcakes to celebrate a birthday?

My opinion is that we should eliminate the corporate junk that invites kids to snack on garbage, but to allow a dessert for lunch and a treat to celebrate a special occasion (including fund raising).  I am all about choice but we need to educate our kids prior to giving them these choices.  Removal of the junk food vending machines only hurts the corporations.  The kids aren't adversely affected at all.  However, that is just the beginning.

If we really want to help our kids, the schools should also be teaching nutrition, enforcing daily exercise and even offering healthy eating classes to parents/families.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Senator Shelby - A stubborn child

I am not a political science master and I certainly do not know how to traverse the difficult senate terrain, but as I citizen I am outraged by the actions of Senator Shelby.  Whether Republican or Democrat, he is asking like a spoiled, stubborn child.

Shelby's blanket hold is considered an aggressive use of this power and is holding back about 70 nominations from the president.  This is how an elected official makes a point?  He claims it is to get the attention of the president.  I liken it to the temper tantrum thrown by a 2 year old whose mom won't buy him candy at the grocery store...or in this case whose "mom" may take away his lucrative defense contract.

Let's give this Alabama genius the benefit of the doubt.  After all he is getting the press that he wanted; maybe ethics isn't all it's cracked up to be.  It's not easy to find compromises and work through both sides of an issue.  You might as well just take the easy way our, forget negotiations skills and debating issues.  This takes less effort and practically no brain power.

I would like to believe that our elected officials are above these games (ok I have my rose colored glasses on this morning).  It seems our political system has become a "who can make the other look worse" game rather than a process to do what is best for the whole.

It doesn't matter which side of the aisle you favor.  These tactics are obvious on both sides.  I know that I am not equipped with the knowledge or skill set to do the job many of our elected officials can do.  But that's why we vote for those who are supposed to have these skill sets.  Is it just a popularity contest?

Grow up Mr. Shelby and bring your playground buddies with you.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Elements and Shorts for Books

We are now so busy that we do not have time to read entire books, so shorts or elements have become our Cliff Notes.

If you have a Kindle or an E-Book you can now get shortened version of published books (1,000 to 2,000 words) for around $2.00.  I seem to recall a reading about a similar service in SkyMall that allowed you to get synopsis of relevant business books in audio form, but it was an expensive alternative.  Kindle technology makes it easier and cheaper.

On one hand, I like this idea.  I can be exposed to more ideas and if I like the element I can always download the entire version.  Kind of like taking a cruise so you can see many islands and determine which you like best.

On the other hand, can I really get the full idea in a thousand or so words?  It's a bit like being in high school when you procrastinated and didn't finish the assigned reading, and had to buy the Cliff Notes.  You never really get the full intent.

As we increase personal efficiency, we continue to seek shortcuts.  It's not a new trend but is it a dangerous one?  Maybe not dangerous but I think we are missing out.  Consider some short cuts:

- Fast food.  May be quick so we don't have to spend time enjoying our food, but look at our weight
- Curves.  How about those 20 minutes sessions of women's exercise?  Yes, you are getting some exercise but does it lull women into thinking its plenty?
- Headline News.  Enough info to discuss at the water cooler, but is it enough to drive decisions?
- Day Traders/  No need to explain this one.
- Wii - You're not really bowling or playing tennis.  Go out and actually bowl!

This shortcut trend is the need for immediate gratification.  Anyone who is feeling like there isn't enough time in the day can see these short cuts as the sirens song. Wouldn't it be better to choose one thing you may like (a  book, an activity, a meal) and commit to it? Make a choice and enjoy the choice completely, instead of tasting everything just a little bit.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

The right person in the family

This was a crazy emotional weekend for me and I have found that being with just the right person fulfills just the right need.  Although the family may make us crazy sometimes, boy to they rally to make you feel better when you need them.

Feeling depressed - call brother.  2 1/2 lunch with our favorite waitress and 2 bottles of nice wine results in me turning from tears to laughs while discussing ridiculous new business options.

Feeling ugly - visit with baby sister.  She brings flowers and cookies.  We help her kids learn letters and realize it what is really important.

Feeling hopeless - open package from twin sister who just happened to send her favorite bundt cake mix.  Now am anticipating mail instead of fearing it.

Feeling lost - visit parents. Listen to stories of their parenting trials and take their acceptance of my mistakes.

Feeling overwhelmed - lay down on bed with husband who listens and smiles.

Today I am feeling lucky :-) and apparently a little sappy.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Bleak without Blackberry

Yesterday I lost my phone, actually I lost it the day before but did not realize it until yesterday morning.  My phone is a blackberry that houses all my contacts, calendar, some passwords, thoughts, photos, and basically all the things that keep me going.  I was completely lost.

I spent the entire day looking for it and getting more anxious.  Needed to make some calls but didn't have anyone's number.  Couldn't remember time for orthodontist appointment which is marked in calendar.  Stressed over passwords hidden in phone.  Left house and was paranoid that someone would call with emergency.

Friends suggested the following for finding phone:
- Call it.  I am walking around the house, garage and car calling my cell.  Won't work if the battery is dead.
- Think about where you used it last.  In husband's car, so I called him.  He left his office to check out his car doing the same call it technique.
- Pray to St. Anthony.  Will try anything at this point.

Now its 8pm and I still can't find it.  My husband and I are tearing up the house.  The dread has entered. Who do I need to call to get a replacement?  How am I going to get all those numbers and appts back?  Why am I such an idiot as to not back up this data on my laptop?

I have resolved myself to dealing with the loss.  As I walk into the greeting room I notice the drawer of the drum table is off.  This is simply a junk drawer I NEVER use.  I opened it and guess what is sitting there.  The dead battery phone.  How the hell did it get there?

Either I need to go back to religion because St. Anthony has saved me or I have completely lost my mind and should get used to it.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Waiting for the Bus

I never take the bus.  If I lived in NYC or Chicago or Washington, I'm sure that public transportation would be my preferred method.  Here in Buffalo it just doesn't meet my schedule.  However I do realize that many people take the bus whether out of necessity or desire or environmental concern.  I recently noticed that so many people who wait for the bus are idle.  No headphones, no book, no conversation.  Why is that?

I was at that light for an eternity and there was no bus in sight.  Some of these folks look pretty comfortable as if they had been waiting for a while.  BTW - Does staring down the street make the bus come sooner?

I cannot stand waiting.  I am not saying everyone needs an ipod or phone texting capabilities but please ... you mean you can't even find an old newspaper or library book to pass the time?  How about a pen and paper to write your grocery list, your to do list or even random thoughts?

Watching people at the bus stop has become my voyeuristic obsession.  At every light, my eyes dart to find the closest sign or shelter (note I can do this in the city - a little more difficult in the burbs). Then I imagine what I would give each of those people to help them pass the time productively.  Wouldn't it be brilliant to go to every bus stop handing out paperbacks, newspapers, memo pads/pens and maybe even mind puzzles?

Maybe I am missing something and each one of these people is meditating, or praying or somehow working on their cerebral well being.  Maybe they are doing kegels.  And if that's the case, my apologies for being presumptive.  I just don't know.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Praises for Vitamin D

About 5 years ago or so, I had a friend suggest a prescription for a heavy dose of Vitamin D.  Didn't think much about it at the time, but now it seems my friend was on the cutting edge and this is the new wonder drug.

My son and his son were taking a weekly class and this physician sat with us passing the time waiting for our kids. After several weeks of seeing him, one wintery night he said I looked like hell.  Pale, tired and worn out.  Of course I thanked him for his kind words but did admit I was feeling a little out of it.  He offered a prescription for a high dosage of Vitamin D.  Within 2 months, I felt great.  Seriously had more energy and kept taking the stuff for about 2 years.

Since that time I have heard a ton of research and reports on Vitamin D from NPR to family friends singing its praises.  Today in the Times, the research seems to be questionable.  I cannot say for sure that the actual Vitamin D made me feel better or if it was all suggestion.  But it seems to make sense.   Doesn't the sun provide us with Vitamin D.  And god do I love the sun!

I had a friend in Detroit who would often have to take a day off due to an inability to get out of bed.  After journalling his days, he found it was when he had no exposure to the sun.  He bought a sun lamp and believe or not, didn't take any more days off for that particular ailment.

Also had a friend whose daughter was exhausted with her joints hurting all the time.  Doctors seemed unable to accurately define her condition, until one mentioned her extremely low Vitamin D.  After a few months of high Vitamin D doses, she was feeling SO MUCH better.  No pain, no exhaustion.

My husband thinks I am crazy.  Research is questionable and maybe it is all just a matter of wanting an excuse to be tired, but I am a proponent.  At the very least, I can use this belief to justify a tropical vacation every March :-).

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Impressive Performance

I admit it, I am addicted to the Grammy show.  So lame that I comment on every outfit and every performance like I am an E! correspondent.  Mostly it's just pop craziness but this past show had an amazing performance by Pink.

Not sure you are familiar with this star, but she has a rock hard body and an amazing voice.  Looks a little trashy with the tattoos and stance, but I like her.  This year she was suspended on a trapeze, upside down singing one of her latest hits.

Regardless of her musical talent, she was amazing in the air!  I could not believe it.  She spun around the entire time while singing.  I was dizzy just watching her.  How can one person have so much talent?

So now I am convinced that I should take a trapeze class.  Who's with me?  I think I will have trouble being upside down, but I am ready to risk it.  I thoroughly believe that I can do this and seem to think that after a few classes I will have a body like Pink.  Believe it or not, classes exist here in town.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Keeping Pace

I have a pacemaker.  It's been lodged in my chest for almost 6 years now and I hardly even know its there.  Except for the times I do and it irritates me.  I know I am being a baby and that people have real medical issues to concern themselves with, but I am going to feel a little sorry for myself this morning.

The thing was a pain this weekend.  First I bought an awesome dress to wear to a party Saturday night and I swear instead of noticing the great neckline, all I could see is the giant bump and scar.  I tried some scarf thing and even a ridiculously huge necklace, but decided to just let it shine hideously uncovered.

Sunday we went to see our newly born nephew (he is a doll!) and of course the pacemaker would not stop pumping.  When it goes off (which is about 6% of my heartbeats) it usually is only for a second or two.  Well wouldn't you know it the thing wouldn't stop - so it was uncomfortable and annoying for about 2 minutes.   I look ridiculous standing there with my hand over my chest waiting.  Thankfully I think the baby took all the attention so no one noticed the dumb look on  my face.

Then this morning I had to check in.  The device needs to be checked quarterly.  Fortunately I can do three of those checks at home from this silly looking plastic monitor.

 It only takes about 10 minutes,  which is pretty incredible as it is downloading my heart beats at something like 5 minute intervals for the past three months.  That's a lot of data.  A little invasive as well.  When I have to see the tech at the telemetry office, he always makes note of the times my heart is racing.  Think about it - my heart races when I am excited - does the tech really need that info?

I know I should be thankful and I am.  Bottom line is that I don't pass out anymore, which makes the people around me a lot happier.  Maybe I should just get a tattoo over it?  Any suggestions?