Thursday, July 15, 2010

Pressure Regarding the Pressure Cooker

My family recently bought me a pressure cooker.  Knowing that I enjoy cooking but am constantly complaining about not having enough time, they ever so thoughtfully found and purchased this incredible machine.

I had no idea what it was or how it worked.  Apparently I am the only one still cooking in the middle ages, because everyone else I tell about this gift raves about how their mom used one, or how they love their cooker or how they heard the model I just received is incredible.  Who knew?

Super excited about my new gift, I opened the box.  Of course it is from Williams-Sonoma (the cult continues) and I follow the directions to the letter.  The whole time I am doing this I am arguing with my husband about the differences between a crock pot and a pressure cooker.  He is not a fan of either; it's his fear of fire, specifically me burning down the house.  He has reason for this fear, but that's another story.

Every page in the book has some sort of warning.  Do not touch!  Removing with cause serious burning! Pressure may create explosion!  All i can picture is my photo in the Buffalo News with a pressure cooker lid lodged in my burnt profile while my family sits at ECMC eating the delicious veal shank with white beans I made JUST prior to the explosion.  Also starting to think maybe my thoughtful family is trying to kill me.   These warnings are pretty scary.  Do I really need to risk my life for that quick pot roast?

After the initial fears and death fantasies subside, I plan my first meal.  The easiest thing looked like potatoes, carrots and broccoli with a ham steak.  Note I don't like ham.  I never make, except for slicing it for sandwiches around Easter time.  I don't think the boys like it either.  But it looks easy and I really really want to try my new toy.

It only took 5 minutes to cook.  Keep in mind it takes about 15 minutes to build up pressure, but still it is amazing.  The cooker also moves to a warm setting automatically in case your hard working spouse is not home when he is expected. No idea if the ham was good because as I said I do not like ham.  In hindsight, I should have tried something I liked.  Talk about no confidence.

Now I want to make more.  The next dish I tried is red beans and rice.  This came out terrific and only took 30 minutes. I am cooking up a storm.  Will plan on boeuf bouruignonne, north beach cioppino and maybe even a ginger creme brulee as the week continues.

I no longer think my family was trying to kill me.  Actually they are pretty brilliant because the boys and I will never eat all this food and they know I will drop off leftovers.  Bon Appetit!


  1. Keep me posted on the success of this. Like any new toy I use it for a good week or two then it sits in the cupboard never to be seen again. I am not very fond of the slow cooker (crock pot) but would be very interested in this pressure cooker - I thought it was only for rice...? I am always looking for new ways to poison the kids with my new ideas in cooking!

  2. Andrea has both a pressure cooker and a crock pot. Loves both. I'll be over for the veal shanks, let me know when it's on the menu. And....remember when I had you guys over for ?? was it chicken, spinach, and beans w/ white wine, and I made it in an electric frying pan? M said he hadn't seen one of those in AGES? Hmpf.

  3. I will keep you posted on the pressure cooker success. Planning two meals for next week and it does a lot more than just rice. Sarah I need to have you and Mart over for that veal!
