Sunday, October 3, 2010

Itsy Bitsy Spider

Not so itsy and quite expensive.

As the weather cooled, I decided it was time to pu ton the furnace.  Cranked it up Saturday morning but it did not seem to go on.  Called the good doctor who tried his best as well but you know its not his expertise.

Sunday morning we awoke freezing.  I say freezing but actually it was 64.  I like a balmy 72 - ALL THE TIME.  Anyway, the furnace is broke.  Keep in mind this thing is only 4 years old and cost a fortune so the damn thing should be working.  It appears the indicator light is flashing two quick red lights and then stalls for 3 secs and repeats.  According to the manual - can you believe we found it - that means Furnace #2 is down.  How can I even tell which furnace is one or two?

Called the repair guy.  The phone operator stated he would call before he came over but that did not happen, so he was greeted with a less than cleansed woman still in her jammies.  I take him downstairs and he asks me which furnace is the problem.  Seriously?  I don't even know how many I have!  Figure it out fix it guy.

After 1/2 hour and a lot of parts on the floor he comes up to show me an elbow pipe the size of your finger that has some white stuff stuck in it.  Apparently it is a spider web.  He pushes on it and low and behold he comes the creator....still alive!  That damn spider built his web in an integral piece of my furnace.

Problem solve, the furnace is put back together within the hour.  Oh this little animal encounter?  Cost me $212.