Monday, October 22, 2012


This weekend my husband and I went to see a body building competition.  Never would we have ever thought to do this in the past, however I good friend of ours was competing.

When she first told us, we thought she had gone crazy.  What close to 50 year old women, with multiple children would want to put her body on display?  Or even to put the effort into building those muscles and refraining from the things we all like wine and desserts?

After seeing her on stage, we could not be more impressed.  She looked amazing! Lean muscles dripping with confidence.  She strutted across that stage and she deserved every bit of applause she received.  I think she looked better than most of the 20 somethings competing.  But it wasn't so much the body building as it was the fact that she put her mind forward to do something, something extremely difficult demanding determination, persistence and will power.  She did it.

It seems we rarely see that determination and dedication any more.  How many times do we hear or even say " I'm going to ..." and then when it gets too difficult we quit with some rational on not enough time or not the right time or why bother.  Our friend is an inspiration.  We should all feel the need to look at ourselves and pick a challenge.  Most importantly to follow through on that challenge.

Congrats to my beautiful, determined friend.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Vroom Vroom

Max is driving.  It happened.  My baby has upgrade from a hobby horse to a real car.

It's not like this was a big surprise.  He received his permit in February; I drove with him to Drivers Ed daily for 6 weeks at the end of the summer, and I signed off on his road test.  So why didn't I realize he would actually be driving on his own?

Tuesday I drove him to school, as I have down for the past 13 years - give or take a day.  It was like any other morning....we listened to his ipod, he made me laugh and I hounded him about his school work.  Had I realized this was the last time I would drive him to school I would have done things differently.  I would have noticed the road and sites to store in my memory of lasts.  I would have said all the wonderful things I wanted him to know about how proud I am of him and how happy I am that he is becoming so a strong young man.  Instead, I said "Bye luv, have a good day" and that was that.

Wed he was off of school and my hubby took him to his road test.  I received the call at work that it was official and would it be alright if he took the car to the XC meet.  On my way home, I saw police lights and heard sirens which appeared near my street.  Oh my god!!  He has been in a terrible accident, why did  I let him drive, I did not protect stomach is in my throat and my heart is beating through my chest.  But no.  The first responders are at an apartment complex not even close to my street and no Max was not in an accident. He is fine. But I went through all the emotions.  Will that happen every time I hear a siren and he has the car?  I need a cocktail.

To make matters worse, we buy him a car.  Let's not even discuss the cost of insurance ( remember I am in an assigned risk because of some poor speeding decisions on my part).  Max loved the Charger.  Why wouldn't he?  That sound of power when you start it up?  I tell him rear wheel drive will be terrible in the winter only to hear him respond that it really hasn"t been snowing that much and usually the streets are plowed well.  Seriously??? That's his justification.

Add hubby to the mix, who recommends a Camero.  Sure why not put my baby in that death trap? Although I must admit, I jumped into those bucket leather seats and thought "pop in the Journey tape, I'll change into a tube top and we can make out in the back seat".  Oh so sad.

Well we decided on a Kia Optima, 4 cyclinder, front wheel drive, 36 mpg.  Much better.  He loves it because it has heated leather seats and full navigation.  What 16 year old should have to deal with a cold bottom and no map?

I will finish with the realization that driving was probably the last thing we will teach our son.  Sure we will be there for advice and guidance, not to mention as a provider of cash, but will there be anything else we can actually teach him?  My baby continues his path away from me...

Reality TV or Debate

So it is pretty obvious that blogging has not been much of a priority lately.  However I watched the debates and just had to comment.

Full disclosure - I support Obama.  Actually I cannot bear to even think of Romney in office but that is not the point of this post.  I am shocked, dismayed and even disheartened by the debates.  It is my understanding that the debate is to allow the candidate to present their ideas, policies, plans for their elected presidency.  Instead it has become reality tv with newscasters commenting on who is more fierce and who wants it more.  Lies are exposed, aggression is valued and insults seem to score points.

Are we so "dumbed down" that we look forward to Romney and Obama in the roles of JWOW and Snookie?  Do we need to see our country leaders acting like "The Real Housewives of the White House"?  Does the public even understand the reason for the debate and are we listening to what the positions actually are?

I consider myself somewhat of an educated voter.  There are reasons...policy reasons...that I am making my choice.  I will not vote because I think one candidate "wants it" more...or because of the displayed aggression.  I don't really care which big dog marks his territory how.  But I do believe there are many, many voters out there who have very, very different criteria for choosing a leader.

I am frightened for our future.