Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Beach Day Leftovers

Decided I wanted to spend the day at the beach with my nieces and nephews.  Coordinated a date with my sister and sister-in-law, organized a list of who brings what and prayed for a sunny day.  That morning it all seemed to come together.  The weather was beautiful.    I packed everyone's specific favorite sandwich, a case of water and a case of GatorAide.  Made sure we had clean bathing suits and towels, plenty of sun screen and our ipods.  Off we go!

The kids had a wonderful time, playing in the sand and specifically just being with each other.  Plus I had an opportunity to talk to my sisters in peace while my son entertained the other kids.  Pure bliss with a tan.

The beach day was a great idea except for the next day.  I brought back half the sand that is now adorning my patio and driveway.  I had a cooler full of uneaten soggy sandwiches and grass (where did we pick up grass?).  I got off easy though.   My sister called to say her girls have rashes all over their stomaches, chests and arms.  The doctor's first question "Were the kids at the beach or in a hot tub?"  Not a fun thing to bring back from the beach.  A little cortizone cream and time, they will be fine.

At least we have photos!

1 comment:

  1. what a good sport he is! I hate that creeping grunge from the beach.
