Thursday, December 3, 2009

A Hypothetical Situation

Let's say hypothetically of course, that you are the mother of a teenage boy and that as you were working with him on his computer you came across a porn site in his site history.  Again, this is simply hypothetically because if it really did happen you would be too embarrassed, angry and disappointed in him to think straight much less write about it.

So at first you explode.  Actually the very first reaction is disbelief.  My baby couldn't possibly have accessed this disgusting trash on purpose.  15 seconds later you realize oh yes he did.  Now we are at anger.  Is it wrong to scream at the top of your voice that this is not the way you raised him?  How about refusing all access to phone, ipod, tv and computer for the next several months or at least until he can prove himself trustworthy?  Would it be appropriate to want to beat him senseless?

You scream that you will personally take down all internet pornography. It will be your mission to destroy the adult entertainment industry.  All past beliefs that censorship is wrong, have flown out the window.   Censor everything!

After you catch your breathe, remember of course that this is all hypothetical, the ager turns to bewilderment.  Why on earth would he do this?  So you ask the question.  But atlas that boy knows you and answers with the "I was just curious.  It will never happen again".  So when i ( I mean the theoretical you) ask him if he would like to show his grandmother or aunt his new found interest or if he would like to go over the site with his mother and explain what is so fascinating about it, would that be wrong?

Now he is embarrassed and upset, lets ask more questions.  Do you need to see the psychiatrist at school to discuss appropriate behavior?  Do you feel that the objectification of women is ok?  Do you have any respect for the opposite gender?  The situation could turn into a "teachable moment" discussing the body, shame, respect and revulsion.  Difficult to teach when your heart is beating through your blouse.

Hypothetically, would your husband then step in and have an adult, mature, fatherly conversation with your son?  Send him to bed so he can think about his actions.  Then proceed to tell me (I mean this mother) that teenage boys in this day and age are curious.  That we need to make sure he understands why not only access but pornography and the adult entertainment industry is unacceptable.  We need to punish him but he needs to understand.   Maybe then your husband makes you a cup of tea, brings you a box of tissues and holds you while you cry about what a failure as a mother you have become.  The tears are really shed for the loss of your son's innocence.

You wake up the next morning and you realize that it will not get easier.  That the growing up of your son is more than just bigger sized clothes and more homework.  You won't see him light up when PLUTO waves to him.  He won't run and jump into your lap with his arms wide open anymore.  But you will continue to adore him, to love him and to suffer for him.  The realization only makes you cry yet again.

Hypothetically, of course.


  1. Normally I would take this oppertunity to drive controversy, initiate an opposing debate and generally use your blog material for my "virtual" amusement. But in this case I will not. Not because I dont find the humor in this, but because I am more overcome by your grief.
    First of all and most importantly, you are not a bad mother. You did not do anything wrong. If you dont understand this you will never be at peace with anything your son does. Second, your son, presumably, is a boy. And I have a news flash for you - BOYS LIKE PORN!!! How old is he?? He's a teenager right? He will be interested in sex (if he's normal) and will start to experiment. Yes thats right.....experiment. First with his own body and then, hopefully over time and after a lot of Jergens, with someone else. Not only because he is a boy, but because he is a human. Humans have needs, wants etc..(except for maybe Steven Hawkins). Chances are you looked at porn in your life at some time. Or your husband brought home a select movie or two. It happens. The porn industry is one of the biggest financial success stories in history. Does that make it right???? Thats another debate for another time. The issue here is your son and the fact that he has done something that you deem wrong. Its not wrong. It may be unacceptable for his age and for your lifestyle, but dont destroy your relationship with him over it. Jokes are abundent about how the Internet was made for porn. RoadRunner was a blessing so we could all download our porn movies faster. 30 years ago boys were stashing Playboy under their beds. The Internet is just a better medium. I bet your father looked at porn magazines when he was younger.....perhaps when he was in the military......
    Listen, Im sorry your son was caught with porn on his PC. But lets look on the bright side because you may not see it now, but there are a lot of upsides to this...First, he was not caught with a gun that he stole from his fathers safe....2) He didnt kill a cat.....3)You now have another option for Christmas by purchasing him a 1 month full access to his favorite site.
    But these are all just hypothetical.....of course.

  2. A child's 'loss of innocence' is hard for ANY parent, and I think your (hypothetical) concern is justified. However, though it IS certainly important for young people to learn about and be aware of unacceptable objectification of women and sexual exploitation, is it not also important for them to explore sexuality in general? To be aware of what it means to be a sexual being? It is not a mark of poor parenting if a teenaged boy OR girl is caught looking at porn. It may be an opportunity to stress safety issues, to answer questions, and to affirm that desire is both ok and human.

  3. The Life of a Terrace Lane Housewife moves to the city. Nephews. Never caught mine. Doesn't mean he didn't do it. But you DO remember what I didn catch him doing!!

  4. Thank you for the posts. Apparently I am not alone in this. Sarah - I remember and will probably need you when I catch mine.

    Anonymous - Intellectually I believe he should explore what it means to be a sexual being and emotionally I want him to have a healthy sexual life. I guess I felt that would just happen. I think I need to have another conversation with him now that I am almost calm - well maybe in another couple days.

    Scott - your blunt comments are effective. I appreciate the humor as maybe I "freaked out" a bit. In thinking about this more, maybe this has, dare I say, a positive side. He is exploring (as anonymous mentioned) and although he is doing so online, he has opened the door for conversation. This event has helped me realize he is more than ready to have specific conversations and I now have an opportunity to help him grow into a man I want him to enjoy both the physical and emotional.

    I am trying to make this less about me and more about him. All of your comments have helped. He is definitely still grounded, but while he served his sentence with me I will take the time to have more deep, mature conversations and hopefully they will help him become a respectful, sensitive man.

  5. At least he was objectifying the _other_ gender.

  6. wait till you find his pot

  7. Maybe you could give him a few pointers.

  8. Oh I just can't wait for that day. Kill me now.
