Friday, December 18, 2009

Hardly H2O

So apparently our tap water is now tainted.  Like we didn't have enough to worry about with melting of the ice caps and the amount of lead in our fish.

It has been over 35 years since the laws regulating tap water have been reviewed.  Think of all the scientific advancements and the pharmaceutical newbies that were made in the past 35 years.   I understand that our politicians have their hands full and that squeaky wheel gets the oil but let's talk priorities. What has been so urgent and important over the past 35 years that the EPA has not thought to re-address water safety levels. Granted we may not all get ill immediately from these carcinogens and the financial crisis has been a bit of a nightmare, but I still believe someone, somewhere in brain trust called our political leaders should have looked at these risks.

Maybe I should send them a calendar with Dec. 17th To Do :  Address safe water issues.  I could print off a December page for the next 20 years.  Just so they don't forget.  Here's an idea, now that we are recycling water bottles (it's about time) maybe those monies could go toward the purchase of such a calendar.

I know there are people out there who will think this is not a priority, that we have different issues.  What will those people think when we are all walking around with blistered black mouths from skin infections caused by continued exposure to bad water?  Will those same people remember this as being a non-priority issue?

1 comment:

  1. Andrea just sent me the article from the NY Times! The water you're drinking has Cyanide in it, Bon!! And it's over the safe limit! How frightening. I've participated in our town water testing for eight years now and ours is fine, but I don't trust their truthfulness in reporting the results. If the city, town, or little town I live in can't filter out the nasties, how can the little filter I use in my house filter it out? Going back to bed.
