Monday, December 7, 2009

Hoarding is a Disease

Over the past couple of days, I have heard at least 3 references to the disease of hoarding.  At first I thought it was ridiculous.  I mean come on, just throw the junk out.  But of course nothing is that easy and according to my very limited research, hoarding appears to be a type of obsessive/compulsive behavior.

Here is my problem with this, aren't we all hoarders in some way, shape or form and isn't a certain level of it encouraged? Look at all the trophies and high school honors filling your basements.   Check out the baby toys still in the attic even though your baby is in college. I think the real problem is finding balance.  Eliminating the gluttony we all display at some point or another and replacing it with a healthy equilibrium.  I also cannot believe that no one notices a huge accumulation as it grows and fails to mention to the "patient" that there is a problem and they need some help.  The balance was broken really early on and maybe if it was noticed that person could have gotten help earlier.  It goes to what is our responsibility as friends and family as well. But let's stick to balance.

You see this emptiness everywhere and it doesn't seem to discriminate by socio-economic conditions, race or religion. Take obesity.  You may love that cheesecake and that's not a problem.  The problem is finding a balance between what you want and what you should take.  I understand it is also control but can't that be considered a balance condition as well.  Everyone has some control but find the appropriate mix.

How about hoarding experiences?  There are those moments that you just can't let go over.  Maybe a friend said something that you can't let go of or a relative borrowed money and you cannot get over it.  We need to clean out our memories just like the hoarders need to clean out their homes.  Consider the balance idea again.  Maybe you forgive your friend and let it go but spend a little less time sharing intimate details.  You forget about the cash to your relative but don't lend relatives money again.  See a balance that will let you eliminate all this extra baggage.

Its easy to cling to things.  Things can provide a context in a confusing situation or can bring back comfortable memories and times.  But living in the past and surrounding yourself with stuff only prevents you from experiencing the present and looking toward the future.  We could also use some cleaning out.


  1. Oh crikey man, can one let those things go in the mind so easily? Doesn't everyone need a LIST to do that? Where's that toggle switch? I need one. Help me!

  2. Your list scares me. Do not fear, I will let you know when you are "hoarding" too much and we will purge after cocktails :-).

  3. Actually, hoarding is one of the few things I DON'T do!
