Thursday, December 17, 2009

Debrief, Post Mortem, Gossip

Not sure why, but I have always been a fan of the debrief.  You know what I mean.  If you are working, its the post-mortem meeting to discuss what went right and wrong after a project ends.  It's the debrief to discuss afterwards, what happened during an event.  My husband like's to call it the gossip after the party.

I cannot believe I am the only one who feels this way.  Why do I love the follow up?  Maybe its because I want the event to continue.  In the case of a party, you usually miss some of the "action" (that damn cannot be in multiple places at the same time thing).  I always here great stories  in the next day call.  Who flashed whom, who spilled a drink on whom and the ever popular "She said WHAT?"

It also has a logical purpose (most notably in the work situation) which is to determine what was done right and what was done wrong to improve for the next project, party or event. It's constant learning to improve upon yourself and your actions. Oh that's good.   I think I will believe that's why I like the follow up - makes me sound better than simply a gossip monger.

Well my party was last night and I am calling it a success.  I had a blast and think everyone else was entertained as well.  But even though the dishes are washed, the empties put to recycle and the rugs vacuumed, I cannot consider the event over until I have a few follow up calls or emails.  Look out ladies!