Sunday, December 27, 2009

Allergic to Toxins

By the very definition of the word TOXINS, we are pretty much all allergic to them.  So if that's true why are there harmful toxins in our food and why hasn't the government prevented this?

Recently, my best friend was starting to have allergic reactions such as a swollen tongue and tingling in her mouth after eating.  This is more than just a discomfort, as her throat could swell preventing her from breathing.  After almost 3 months of dealing with this including doctor appointments, food journals and painfully miserable days she found that she is allergic to cottonseed oil.

Of course my first response was "Why the hell are you consuming cottonseed oil?.  Apparently it is being used in a frighteningly significant amount of food preparation.    I did some investigation and found that the recent economic hardships have forced the food industry to look for shortcuts to save money.  Low and behold cottonseed oil is cheaper than soybean or canola oil.  Probably because it is toxic.  Can you believe that cottonseed oil is actually used as a pesticide?

FDA restrictions that monitor food and chemicals have allowed cottonseed oil to slip through a loop hole  and now that cotton for the textile industry is suffering, cotton for the food industry is booming.  Or at least trying to.

For all the debate and arguing across partisan lines, I would think that we can all agree that one of the primary, basic roles of the government is to keep us safe.  I understand that being safe has several degrees but allowing toxins in our food, knowing that numerous people will suffer seems like a no brainer.  Don't let it happen.  This stuff is killing us.

Now you can say it is our responsibility to monitor our food intake and yes I can agree with that.  Let me be responsible enough to know that too many chips are bad and will risk obesity and heart failure.  But as far as knowing that cottonseed oil is used in the frying of those potato chips and that cottonseed oil is full of toxins I would think the government could help me out a little with that one.

This is just another reason to switch to all organic, all health food , all the time.  God I wish I had the will power.


  1. Ok, here's my first ever response to one of your writings. (which I am so enjoying by the way)
    Organic! This word has so many different meanings. Did you know that cottonseed oil is probably considered organic? Organic doesn't necessarily mean "good for you". You still need to know your ingrediants, and where they come from.
    Several pesticides we have banned in the good ole USA are still being used across the border and abroad. Take a look and see where much of our produce comes from.
    I live with a label reader and it drives me NUTS! However, he is good at figuring out if a product is truly harmful or not.
    Good Luck! -K Capizzi

  2. Thanks so much for the response! I agree with you whole heartedly. Some people believe that if you shop at an organic store or something like Whole Foods you are exempt from needed to read labels. Its pretty ridiculous and scary. I hate having to read labels all the time but I am becoming better at it because I am starting to freak out about the junk we are consuming.

    Welcome to my blog :-)
