Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Task Completed - Skill Level Mastered?

As I continue my quest to try new things and maybe master some, I found myself at Joanne's feeling creative.  A beautiful soft plaid caught my eye and i decided I would now take on the role of seamstress.  To be fair it is not that outlandish of an idea.  I have a sewing machine downstairs on the boulevard of broken dreams and have made curtains or the occasional pillow in the past.  How hard can it be to make a skirt?  Additionally my mother is a seamstress, with numerous gowns, suits and clothing successes to her name.  Maybe the DNA transferred well.  Or maybe not.

So I laid out the material, cut it and then decided the pattern instructions were apparently written in Greek because I had no idea what I was supposed to do.  Checking sewing jargon on line is not a fun task and really does not help in the actual understanding of the directions.  So I called mom but she was too busy to help so it looks like I was on my own.  Now I have talked myself into believing that I can do anything and it is ridiculous to think this is beyond me.  I pitched the pattern and decided I could figure it out myself.

I DID IT!  Oh yes, I am brilliant.  Now don't look too close because the whole zipper thing is off and not all of the plaid matches perfectly but hell I made a skirt.  Check that off of my things to do list.

This is going to be an amazing Thanksgiving.  First running the turkey trot and then sporting my new skirt.  A holiday of firsts.

BTW - I wearing those rockin' suede boots with this creation.


  1. Congrats!!!! The skirt looks great. I am sure you inherented more then just sewing from your mom. Probably more like her then you think.
    Enjoy your Thanksgiving.

  2. I think you should wear the skirt in the turkey trot.

  3. Did not trot in the skirt but did strut in it for dinner!
