Friday, November 27, 2009

The Fast and Furious (Running and Eating)

Thanksgiving here was marked by lots of laughs and tons of food. We started the day with the Turkey Trot. All that training was now to be tested.  Well we didn't ace this test but we were definitely average!

I could not believe the number of people both runners and sidewalk cheerleaders.   We ran into old friends and neighbors, spending the duration walking/running and mostly chitchatting.  Happy to say we finished a little over an hour (official results pending) and had a blast!  Max did much better with a score under an hour an no muscle pain or heavy breathing.  Should mention I am feeling my age today, but totally worth it.  TEAM CYWINSKI will be making this an annual event.  Maybe costumes next year?

Check out the boys getting reading -->

After a pot of coffee and a 1/2 hour in the hot tub, we were ready to commence feasting.  My family celebration was one of the best ever! My mom made the perfect turkey, dad poured the perfect drink, my sister did the most perfect dessert and my brother as always provided the perfect entertainment.  Sixteen for dinner. We all ate like it was our last meal and I left that house feeling a little tipsy.  On to the inlaws!  Another table filled with great food and stimulating conversation.  We should schedule monthly Thanksgivings :-).

On the topic of food, the NY Times did a great op piece on eating fast food and eating food fast.  Why do we have to eat so much fast food?  The Alice Waters "Edible Schoolyard" has always inspired me.  We all have the ability to choose what we eat and how much of it we consume.  her project to grow inner city school gardens is amazing.  Why not choose healthier options... less hormones, less preservations, more naturally grown, more simply prepared?  Why not teach our kids the importance of eating right by demonstrating how to do it rather than printing off a pyramid and making it a homework assignment?

As a country we are constantly rushing.  Running to work, running the kids to their activities (actually more like driving because if we were really running we would probably be in better shape)!  We need to slow down, at least we can start to slow down when it comes to eating it.  Fast food makes you sick.  Take time to rent and watch "Supersize Me".  It will at least help you realize you do have the time to NOT eat fast food.

Today on this hideous "Black Friday" check out the local news and if you are insane enough to participate, look at your fellow freaks in the stores.  They are fat.  It is not pretty or good for anyone.   Consider the words of wisdom from that cinema great ANIMAL HOUSE... (I paraphrase)   "Fat and stupid is no way to go through life".

Think about the amazing food you consumed on Thanksgiving, cut it back and realize there is no reason why you couldn't eat like this regularly.  Not as much in my case but definitely as fresh!

1 comment:

  1. I really would like to do the TT. It looks like so much fun! I can't run it, but could (quickly) walk it. Happy T-Day weekend.
