Monday, November 23, 2009

"The Boss"

Last night friends of ours took us and 4 teenage boys to the Bruce Springsteen concert.  Although I was never a huge fan, I have to say it was one of the best concerts we've seen.  The entire bands was incredible.

Bruce is 60 and in incredible shape.  The guy never stopped moving, jumping across the stage and running through the audience.  Within the first 25 minutes of the show, he jumped into the audience and body surfed back to the stage.  Keep in mind the "kids" in this mosh pit were middle aged or baby boomers.  At one point I thought they'd collapse or drop him.  What a horrible Buffalo story that would make.  But he made it, jumped back on stage and never missed a beat.  At one point he also did a back bend to the floor!  I'm having Matty work on that move now.

The chemistry between all the band members was amazing.  It was like watching old friends just hanging out and having a blast.  It seemed like they really did not want to stop.  Evident by the almost 4 hour concert.  Needless to say the boys will be cranky today.

But the best part of the show was watching my son and his three buddies, jumping dancing and even singing all night.  I have not idea what they were singing, as none of them really knew the lyrics.  They were rockin' and loving every minute of it.  The worst part was that my friend Tracy wasn't there and she is his biggest fan.

Thanks Bruuuuuuce!


  1. Let me know when Matt gets that backbend down, I'll be anxious to see it.

  2. Oh there will be a video and I will post it on U Tube - then maybe he can train Mart how to do it...ha ha ha
