Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Taking a World Wonder for Granted

We have a house guest.  A beautiful and sweet ballerina who is staying with us for a month.  This is her first time in Buffalo and we want to make sure she has a good impression of WNY and all our joys.  Of course the best way to do that is to show her our assets.  What better way to start than a visit to Niagara Falls.

Although we live less than 30 minutes away, we hardly ever visit.  I can't ever remember having a bad time on a Niagara Falls visit or a time I was less than amazed.  But still we only visit as bragging rights to out of town friends.  It turned out that this visit did not disappoint.

The weather cooperated and I think our giant water fall made a lasting impression on our guest.  We drove past the thunderous rapids, walked though the flower gardens and ran past the mist overspray.  It was an absolutely gorgeous and inspiring day.  Cannot believe I just take it for granted.


  1. Please tell me you went on the Maid of the Mist?!!

  2. No chance this time -it was closed. But love it! On my list for first thing next spring :-)
