Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Holiday Music Conspiracy

Why do we have two local radio stations playing all holiday music all day?   I find a nice Thanksgiving hostess gift because all the stores have changed to Christmas.  I am receiving at least 5 catalogues a day informing me that I can be assured to get my product before Christmas.  It is the middle of November, I have not even figured out Thanksgiving yet and already I am bombarded.  I think there is a conspiracy.

My thought is that the government is forcing media and retail to push Christmas as early as possible, thus making us all crazy in November and our minds so weak that  we will forget the real issues that are going on the world.   If I hear "We Wish You A Merry Christmas" I will be thinking about all the gifts I need to buy as opposed to the Health Care Reform Bill.  If I get a ton of catalogues pushing the Christmas gift, I will be thinking about wrapping and decorating, not about the other mail of poor investment returns, sky rocketing interest rates and increase fuel costs.  If everywhere I look I see Christmas decorations, I will be stressing about parties and entertaining as opposed to Afghanistan and our troops.

What an ingenious idea!  For the months of November and December I am so "consumerized" and frantic that I cannot possibly care about the real world.  Doesn't that give our politicians a well deserved break so they can push through any corrupt, whittled down, irrelevant piece of legislation without question or backlash?

Maybe it's not that much of a scheme.  Maybe the Christmas music is enough to make you brain dead.  I just heard "The Christmas Donkey.  What the hell is that?  This Thanksgiving I will be thankful for SIRIUS radio and the ability to change stations.


  1. Aaargh, I was going to post a blog about those damned radio stations - they do it every year. Seems like it's sooner this year, no? You might be onto something!

  2. I am not sure its a conspiracy as this happens every year. But whats wrong with a little "shell game". Wouldnt you rather think about what you could buy your brother or sister for Christmas instead of worring about when the next terrorist strike will be? I too think the spirit comes too early but maybe we all need it. Maybe what we need is a good dose of family and be thankful that we are not actually on the front lines or home sick with no health care. Lets get back to basics and sloooooooow down. I am not saying to forget what our politicians may buy Senator Byrd for his way too long run in Congress, or how the hell that man is still alive, but dont stress over it. You should care more about the Thanksgiving dinner and making sure you have the best possible wine for your wonderful guests, whom I assume will be all family. In fact, they are the best friends you will ever have. Enjoy them.

  3. Well aren't you the holiday promoter! Can I assume you already had some cheer?Or maybe you are returning from a vacation so you have a clear head. I guess maybe a little "ignorance is bliss" would be our greatest national present. Although I am pretty sure the FOX people already got that gift.

    I don't need the bleeping "Christmas Donkey" to put me in the spirit weeks before the event. I am still refusing to listen to this stuff until the 2nd week in December. My Thanksgiving dishes will be fabulous because they will be made in silence while thinking about what gift to buy my crazy brother for Christmas.

    As for the "good dose of family" be careful what you wish for my love.

  4. The Christmas Donkey is what Mary (the beloved virgin) and her handyman counterpart, Joseph, rode into Bethleham. Nice of you to make fun of them. Whats next, anti-sematic jokes?
