Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Inspired in the back

As i may have mentioned, my husband signed us up to run the 5k Turkey Trot this year in Buffalo. I am in day 4 of my training and this morning I was tired, sore and pretty sure I am not going to make it. While downing my 4th cup of coffee and soaking in a hot bath to relieve those aching muscles (mind you it was only an 1 hour session and I am weak) I came across this article in the NY Times regarding slow marathon runners .
Although it refers to marathons I am inspired.

For all of us slow runners or walkers, this article paints the back of the race as "the place to be" with a diversity of fascinating runners. People facing physical challenges, fund raisers for the cause and the mid life crisis that needs to make a change are all pushing through the pain to get to the finish line. They have to be more interesting than the pack gazelle in the lead. I may not be the best runner (actually I definitely will not be the best runner) on Thanksgiving but you can be sure I will be with my crowd thrilled to be in the race.

My sister had this BACK OF THE RACE experience. She has struggled with her weight all through her life and this past year she really worked hard to participate in a 5k. Feeling down and less than healthy, her training was a pleasure providing physical and mental benefits. The good news is she finished the race. The great news is she finished it besides a man with one leg. He inspired her to keep moving. I could not be prouder of her.

I believe you can find inspiration in many places and conversely be derailed based on the same number of experiences. So I am choosing to be inspired! I'll run or I'll walk or hell I may even crawl. I am running that race and I am going to enjoy every step of it surrounding by people with interesting stories who most likely are like me - simply happy to be a Turkey Trotter.


  1. This was a really nice perspective--one that I'd never considered. But you're right--it's the slow runners' stories that are often the most interesting. Have you ever watched the Iron Man and wept at those stories of perseverance and inspiration? I forwarded your blog link to Rebecca so that she'll feel better about being one of the Turkey Trotters in the back with you.

  2. Looking forward to running with Rebecca! Should I bring plenty of air sickness bags to pass out?

  3. You should be wearing those new Reebok sneakers - claim to give you glutes and legs a whole new look. Not that you need it, witch. Yes bring barf bags. And where do you think Matthew will be in the pack? Is he training? Anne, you in to go watch?

  4. The Trot is awesome; it is also the oldest in the country, I believe.

  5. Are you running? I hope to see you there. And yes it is indeed the oldest in the country
