Monday, November 2, 2009

Driving while Texting

In an attempt to crack down on texting while driving Great Britain has sentenced the texting driver of a car that killed a young woman, to jail time. It goes without saying how tragic this accident is, and as a mother it just adds to all my fears for my son's safety (physical and social). But I am not sure I agree with the sentencing.

Texting is obviously dangerous when driving. So is talking on the cell phone, applying makeup, reprimanding the kids in the back seat and playing with the radio. Any thing that distracts the driver is trouble. It is so easy to divert your attention from the road; driving becomes habit and mundane. I hate to admit it but I have been know to participate in several of these distractive activities, not to mention changing from a work suit to an evening cocktail dress while driving down the expressway. Just like the driver of this car, I felt I was in control and could handle it. I was lucky and have honestly been better. I guess you just don't think of the ramifications. That's not a rationale it is simply true.

But does this driver deserve to go to jail? If I was the mother of the victim I would scream YES and for a long time. But if I were the mother of the driver I would have a completely different opinion. A car can be a weapon, just like a gun. But if a gun accidentally goes off killing someone, will that person go to jail? Should he? Maybe there a better way to eliminate phone usage while driving. Perhaps a device installed in cars which prevents cell reception. It seems the temptation is too great to grab that phone so we may need interference.

Which brings up another point - why must we always be doing at least two things at the same time? Multi-tasking is essential to our daily life. We are so overcommitted and afraid to miss out that we only scarcely pay attention to the task in front of us - like driving. A good friend of mine mentioned that our generation is not as good at mutli-tasking as our children will be. Technology has trained them to do multiple things and we are evolving into a heightened ability. Think about the examples. Of course video games and texting but watch your news broadcasts. Not only are you listening to the newscasters, but a ticker tape of information is scrolling across the bottom of the screen and a sidebar appears with additional facts. We are truly at a point of cultural ADD. Not only the media, but we do it ourselves. I can't think of one mother I know who hasn't had the kids eat in the car while doing their homework on the way to a sporting event.

Hi, my name is Bonnie and I am a mult-tasker.


  1. I've read about two companies (already on the market) that send a message to people who call or text your cell phone while you're in the car. When you sign up for it, it senses when you're moving more than 5 mph, and intercepts all calls and texts, sending a message back to the caller/texter saying you are currently driving. If it had the option of just using it for texting, I would definitely sign up for it, and suggest it for my kids. But they don't. And we all already have the speaker phones or bluetooth. I don't understand half of it:

  2. This is a topic very close to me as I am a commuter and have a 1 hour drive each way to work. I have been doing this for over 6 years now and most of the time I spent talking on the phone. Now, its email. I email on my Blackberry almost the entire time I am driving. Dangerous? Hell yes. Am I proud of it? No. But it has to get done. I have work that I need to do and there is no way in hell Im taking anymore time away from my kids and family to work. I dont think txt'ing or emails or talking on the phone is an issue of multi-tasking though. I think its more of a function of us, as a society, to be connected, informed and up-to-date. We have this need, we're conditioned to do things as fast as possible. Get to it NOW. Get it done yesterday. Its crazy, buts its true. Most prevelent in the work place. We are just a fast paced society unable to even take a few moments away while we drive. What ever happened to quality time with the kids in the car? Having discussions about their day? Now you ask how their day was and all they say is fine, while they move to change the radio station. Oh well, thats life. As far as jail time, I'll save my opinion on that for when I get caught on my cell in the car. I'm sure it will happen eventually. I have a sister who just cant help calling me to stay in touch.
