Friday, March 5, 2010

Locker Room Etiquette

I am concerned about locker room etiquette

If you know me, you know I am certainly not a prude.   On the contrary I am probably more liberal than most.  But I have recently been questioning my openness regarding dressing room nudity.  

I am perfectly comfortable taking off my clothes in a locker room filled with women.  Probably not as comfortable as I was when I had a hot body, but then again what are you going do.  I remove my gym clothes, wrap myself in a towel and go about my business.   Apparently I am one of the few who sees the necessity of a towel.

How can I have a conversation with a naked women?  I spend more time thinking about why she is not clothed or how to make sure I don't look anywhere I shouldn't, that I have no idea what she is talking about.  And conversing is the least difficult to deal with.  What about those who are showing you ipod photos, or eating a piece of fruit, or lounging while reading the paper?

These women are wonderful, intelligent people.  So why am I hung up about the nakedness?  Maybe if we all walked around nude we would think twice about eating that cannoli or maybe we should just be so comfortable in our selves that the skin is not unsettling to see.

The real sad part is that these "nudies" would not be caught dead in some of my low cut, short lengthened ensembles out side of the locker room.  

I think maybe I will institute Saturday Naked Day.  Once a month I will make sure my son is out of the house for the day and mandate that my husband and I walk around nude to get me over this hang up.  Although the UPS guy and the cleaning lady may get a  scare, blinding them for life.  Hmm... I'll have to thing of some other options.


  1. shise - they're NAKED whilst showing you pics, and eating fruit? That's disgusting. Give me their names. It's gross.
    From your prude friend, Sarah

  2. If you institute Saturday Naked Day. Maybe it will become a Holiday and we can all have off on Friday.

  3. I like it anonymous. We should all practice Naked Saturdays, start a grass roots effort :-)

  4. I'm a prude too! I can't get over that stuff (obviously I'm the one who goes home stinky) My eyes are always on the floor or aimed directly in front of me. :) Moira

  5. We prudes unite! Today i actually had a conversation about a health issue while the woman was completely naked and I was introduced to another person and had to shake hands. I am really working on this modesty thing!
