Sunday, March 14, 2010

Signs of Spring at 551

Spring is in the air at my house.  Here are a couple of signs letting us know spring is here.

1 - Sunny on the way to school
2 - Boat storage invoice arrives
3 - Birds chirping during breakfast
4 - Spare bedroom cluttered with summer and winter clothes awaiting the closet switch
5 - New sunglasses purchase
6 - First stumble over driveway potholes
7 - Evening walks on Elmwood
8 - Tons of tissue for spring colds
9 - Window sill of attempted seed growth
10 - Skateboard bruises

Happy Spring!


  1. The other day, when it was so beautiful out, I went to the hair salon for a haircut, and joyfully told the young girl who was shampooing me that I'd just seen my first crocus of the season. She looked at me blankly and said, "What's that?"

  2. How sad. Have not seen a crocus but saw several Lily of the Valley. Even bent down to take a sniff :-)
