Monday, March 15, 2010

Guest Blogging

I am thinking about opening up my blog for guest bloggers.  The idea came up while speaking with my brother this morning.

He has this terrific insight into toll booth operators that I find hysterical but could not possibly write about.  Although what if he is a better blogging than I am, and all of a sudden he takes over Observations & Ruminations?  I would have to find a new url.

Also, we had wonderful out of town guests this weekend.  He is an accomplished blogger with an incredible following and (from what I have read) really interesting.  Maybe I could convince him to guest star as well.

I could ask some of my friends who always have interesting commentary, and maybe have a Guest Blog week.  Plus I am really swamped with things so it may be good to take a break.

Just thinking about it.  Let me know if you are interested in a guest appearance!


  1. I asked for guest bloggers, and I had no takers. Bunch of poopheads.

  2. I'll guest blog, no problem!

  3. Yeah Zach. A celebrity blogger at that! Ok, you are on. I will coordinate and get back to you. Merci.
