Thursday, March 18, 2010

St. Paddy Day Leprechaun

I don't really celebrate St. Patrick's Day.  Maybe a long time ago when it meant an excuse to have another happy hour, or maybe when my sister's part-Irish hubby made us a great corned beef and cabbage dinner but it has been a while.  I didn't even have a place to bring green bagels to this year.

Never really thought about the celebration or missing it.  Actually forgot about it until, on our way to school,  I saw all the obnoxious green pants and pedestrians in silly hats.  My son and I laughed as we realized what day it was and how we had completely forgotten about it.  It did however start a conversation between us regarding ethnicity and racial profiling.  What a difference from the green cupcakes and pot-of-gold conversations we had driving to kindergarden.

My sister had a much different day.  Her girls are 3 and 4 and are thrilled by the thought of the St. Patrick's Day leprechaun.  In preschool they have been talking about the ruckus he makes, his love of green and they even made boxes to try to catch this mystical creature.  To excite the girls more, my sister went about the house Tuesday evening, after they went to bed, simulating the results of a leprechaun encounter, which I found out meant messing up your house.  She piled up toys precariously in the bedrooms, lined up all the stuffed animals in a parade, made shamrock inspired cupcakes with gold coins,  and her highlight...dyed the toilet water green.

When the girls woke up they were elated!  To quote her youngest, while using the "facilities" and seeing the green water, "Mommie does this mean my bottom will turn green?"  The older doll wanted to know if the leprechaun would be returning after school.  Oh a mother's work is never done.

Although I loved the stimulating conversation (inspired by the day) I had with my son, my nieces made me nostalgic for a kid's fantastical celebration.

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