Monday, February 22, 2010

Tyger Tiger Burning Bright

Tiger Woods, the man, sickens me.  However I don't feel that he needs to apologize to me for his infidelity.  He needs to apologize to his wife, his family and his sponsors.  I couldn't care less.

Why did he need to have a press conference?  It's his prerogative to act like an animal, to be a weak man, to embarrass himself and to ruin his sponsorships.  But I hardly think it is news.  He is famous because he is a fantastic golfer.  That's it.  He certainly wouldn't be famous because of what an amazing man his is.

I was listening to comments by the general public and one woman stated that she needs him to rebuild his integrity for her to purchase the products he endorses.  I find this ridiculous.  I totally understand buying golf clubs that he recommends, possibly sports drinks and now maybe condoms.  But why would I buy a car or a watch simply because a golf pro endorses it?  And why would I think that his golf club endorsement is no longer valid because he is a cheater?

Have we become such a lazy nation of followers that we need a "star" to tell us what to buy?  I understand the marketing involved and I know that it works and it is not new.  It just makes me ill to think so many people are unable to make their own decisions.

1 comment:

  1. Best blog yet! And your best marketing idea I've heard is to Market Tiger Condoms.
