Thursday, February 25, 2010

Undeclared Teachers

You know those people who have taught you something significant in your life, but you don't realize it at the time?  I am not talking about your academic teachers or your career mentors, but people who trained you in some life lesson.  Well I was just thinking about one such person last night.

You see I am active in the WNY Women's Fund (quick plug - this is an amazing organization doing a lot of good for women and girls in WNY so if you are looking to donate some funds or time consider this org).  We are having an event tonight and  I voluntered to create the take home bags.

We are only expecting 40 people, but I got a little crazy.  Must have cookies with the org name iced on them, must have curling ribbons, must have bright tissue paper and tulle, inside stuffers must all be packed the same way, colors must be right...blah blah blah.  Really want to take one, so entice with a pretty presentation, include a treat and maybe the guests will look at and use the pledge card inside.  This little activity took me 4 HOURS.  Am I nuts?

So I ask myself why so obsessive?  One word comes back...SARAH.  The lovely Sarah took me under her wing as a co-chair for the Park School Auction a bizillion years ago.  I was a clueless nubbie.  She taught me to care about the little things and how to make an event beautiful.  Actually all of those brilliant women who worked the auction to raise tons of money for the school, formed me like clay.

Although I may have sworn Sarah's name last night as I couldn't get the damn ribbons even, I have to say a big thank you to my teacher.


  1. That's funny. While I was helping out with the auction, Sarah taught me how to be a student at the University of Google. She's got me looking everything up online...BTW, I adore making party favor bags, and I agree, everything has to be done just right.

  2. Holy crap! As I started reading your blog, I thought it was going to be about all those teachers who the school district fired! And as I was reading, I was thinking, of course you were going a little crazy. Then I was thinking, wow, you were being really detail oriented!

    Dr. N asked me yesterday how I knew you and I told him our experience at Park, how you were the "big picture gal" and I was the ... surprise, "detail gal"! He laughed as he's got me on meds for those damned details.


  3. ps: by blog is
