Saturday, February 20, 2010

I am sick

I hate being sick.  It started last night and now I am miserable.  Not to mention making my family miserable.  You see I am a big baby when it comes to being ill.

Although I despise the vulnerability and weakness associated with being sick, I really want everyone around me to stop what they are doing and take care of me.  That includes bringing me tea with lemon, rubbing my back, getting me tissues and nyquil and especially listening to me moan and cry.

I think people are divided into two camps: t hose who want to be left alone and those who want to be taken care of.  My husband is one who wants to be left alone.  This causes a dilemma because I of course want to take care of him because I want to be taken care of when I am sick. He wants to run away when I am sick.

Tonight I was looking forward to attending a fiction reading session and a music party at a friend's house.  I don't think I will be able to make either which only makes me feel worse.  Even if I could get myself doped up enough to attend, is it fair to go to a party and get everyone else sick.

UGH.  I am done.  My head is killing me.  Are you feeling bad for me yet?


  1. I am feeling bad for you. Hope your feeling better, take care....Bob

  2. Bleeccchhhhh, I hate that feeling, too. I would take care of you with hot chicken soup (home-made, not even from Wegmans). Bummer you couldn't do the reading. I was sure you'd do really well.

  3. Thank you for your concern. I am feeling better but miserable that I missed the event and party. I am however looking forward to reading the winning entries. You never know maybe I will learn something from them :-).
