Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Senator Shelby - A stubborn child

I am not a political science master and I certainly do not know how to traverse the difficult senate terrain, but as I citizen I am outraged by the actions of Senator Shelby.  Whether Republican or Democrat, he is asking like a spoiled, stubborn child.

Shelby's blanket hold is considered an aggressive use of this power and is holding back about 70 nominations from the president.  This is how an elected official makes a point?  He claims it is to get the attention of the president.  I liken it to the temper tantrum thrown by a 2 year old whose mom won't buy him candy at the grocery store...or in this case whose "mom" may take away his lucrative defense contract.

Let's give this Alabama genius the benefit of the doubt.  After all he is getting the press that he wanted; maybe ethics isn't all it's cracked up to be.  It's not easy to find compromises and work through both sides of an issue.  You might as well just take the easy way our, forget negotiations skills and debating issues.  This takes less effort and practically no brain power.

I would like to believe that our elected officials are above these games (ok I have my rose colored glasses on this morning).  It seems our political system has become a "who can make the other look worse" game rather than a process to do what is best for the whole.

It doesn't matter which side of the aisle you favor.  These tactics are obvious on both sides.  I know that I am not equipped with the knowledge or skill set to do the job many of our elected officials can do.  But that's why we vote for those who are supposed to have these skill sets.  Is it just a popularity contest?

Grow up Mr. Shelby and bring your playground buddies with you.

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