Thursday, February 4, 2010

Waiting for the Bus

I never take the bus.  If I lived in NYC or Chicago or Washington, I'm sure that public transportation would be my preferred method.  Here in Buffalo it just doesn't meet my schedule.  However I do realize that many people take the bus whether out of necessity or desire or environmental concern.  I recently noticed that so many people who wait for the bus are idle.  No headphones, no book, no conversation.  Why is that?

I was at that light for an eternity and there was no bus in sight.  Some of these folks look pretty comfortable as if they had been waiting for a while.  BTW - Does staring down the street make the bus come sooner?

I cannot stand waiting.  I am not saying everyone needs an ipod or phone texting capabilities but please ... you mean you can't even find an old newspaper or library book to pass the time?  How about a pen and paper to write your grocery list, your to do list or even random thoughts?

Watching people at the bus stop has become my voyeuristic obsession.  At every light, my eyes dart to find the closest sign or shelter (note I can do this in the city - a little more difficult in the burbs). Then I imagine what I would give each of those people to help them pass the time productively.  Wouldn't it be brilliant to go to every bus stop handing out paperbacks, newspapers, memo pads/pens and maybe even mind puzzles?

Maybe I am missing something and each one of these people is meditating, or praying or somehow working on their cerebral well being.  Maybe they are doing kegels.  And if that's the case, my apologies for being presumptive.  I just don't know.


  1. So what's wrong with just doing nothing?

  2. I cannot handle it. Maybe I am afraid that if I am idle the voices in my head will take over.
