Tuesday, January 12, 2010


I love to cook.  Not your typical Monday night dinner.  That I find too boring.  I prefer the multiple ingredients, time consuming master pieces.  Which is kind of hard to do when my husband's mantra is mashed potatoes, Shake- n-Bake Chicken and canned corn.

Today I felt like playing the culinary artist.  For me, that means searching for a perfect recipe and then running to Wegman's, the Co-op and/or Guercio's for the necessary ingredients.  It also means symphony music playing in the kitchen and the phone set to silent.  There is something cathartic and satisfying about completing your edible Frankenstein.

Many times my creations don't elicit the desired response.  Take for example the famed Mango Enchiladas, which were literally spit out of my son's mouth at the dinner table.  I severely reprimanded him until I took a forkful and performed the same action.  There is also the time my son asked if I had the cook book for a delectable I served that dinner.  When I responded affirmative, he told me to get it and destroy it immediately.  Is food critic a possible career choice for him?

Well, tonight it all came out beautifully. Check out this amazing dinner:

The top is photo is a roasted pork lion with sage pesto, leeks and pears.  The bottom photo is simply a potato pancake. Both recipes are from Williams Sonoma and are easy to make.  I highly recommend each.

So as I created all afternoon and built up my excitement (because I knew my hubby would love this dish)  he called to tell me he would be late.  That fabulous dish wasn't so great served cold two hours later :-(.

The good news is I have lots of left overs and will be making a delivery to a special friend this afternoon.


  1. Good Lord, is there nothing you can't do? You zip to the grocery store for a recipe? I've never zipped anywhere, let alone the grocery store for a recipe.

  2. Today we eat out... no energy left :-)
