Sunday, January 3, 2010

View From the Lodge

I love WiFi.  Here I sit at the Holiday Valley lodge enjoying a cup of Starbucks, a terrific view and the knowledge that my son thinks I'm fantastic because I drove him and his buddies to snowboard today.  It is freezing outside so you know these guys must love snowboarding to deal with the bone chilling temperatures.  Much nicer sitting in the warmth and blogging.

I actually really like skiing and tried snowboarding last year.  It's difficult, especially for the person who has to lift me when I fall (thanks Scott).  See photo.  Not pretty.  Besides the fact that simply getting up on the board demands incredible abdominal muscles, falling is painful.  You fall either directly on your face or backwards on your tailbone.  I was sore for three days and only made it down the hill once!  But I plan on doing it again this year - although not today.

So what's the allure? It cannot possibly be the weather. My body shook walking from the car.  I  know its not how great it looks because I have never been so heckled.  "Nice job lady!  Get up Honey!"  Mortifying.  I think the feeling of freedom is enticing.  It's just you controlling the board (or not controlling in my case).  You do it right, you slide. You do it wrong, you fall ... and fall ... and fall again. I am guessing that the jumps give you a feeling of flying.

Trying something so physically challenging is also a major rush.  The ability to master this board, maneuvering around obstacles and swaying with the movement must be an amazing feeling.  Just thinking about it makes me want to brave the cold ...almost.  Plus I think if I could really get this, my son would elevate me on the coolness scale.  Could use that, might be worth it.

Maybe its just that I  love the outfits, which if you remember is the reason I enjoyed tennis so much.

I guess the boys have similar reasons for loving this sport, but may also thrive on the competition among their friends, the comaraderie and the risk. I'll ask them when they return. I know whenever my son comes back from boarding he is lighter - full of laughter with rosy cheeks and a sparkling eyes.  Don't think I had that sparkle, although the snow burn from using my face as a stopper, could account for rosy cheeks.

For  now, I will just enjoy the view.

1 comment:

  1. Great blog! Favorite part was using your face as a stopper! I'm laughing out loud at the brain picture I have. Ahhhhh, made my day.
