Sunday, January 17, 2010

Too Many Hospital Events

I am slightly afraid to leave the house or answer the phone today.  Just a little paranoia I know I will push through, but we have had too many hospital references this month.

As you know, our first experience was Max's unfortunate snowboarding incident.  Again, I am thankful that a broken wrist is all that he suffered.  The following week one of my closest friends slipped on the ice and fell on her head.  A concussion had her feeling dizzy with a headache for about a week.  I am thankful that is all she suffered.

This weekend added more to the list.  First,  my favorite man (next to my husband and son) had a terrible episode.  Couldn't focus, was dizzy and nauseous, experiencing wicked headache.  After a call asking his wife to come home, they sat in the hospital from 10:30 am to almost 6 pm.  The waiting is probably one of the worst parts, while your mind passing from stroke to migraine.   After a clean MRI and visit to the neurologist, he is diagnosed with high blood pressure and a propensity toward migraines.  Again,  I am thankful that is all it is.

Yesterday, I refused to leave the house.  Just cook and clean and spend time with my boys.  That afternoon I received a text from one of our closest friends.  Their son (who happens to be one of our son's closest friends) share the same hobbies.  The snowboard landed him in the ER that afternoon.  They sat and waited. He will be fine after a few days in the hospital but off sports for a few months.  I am thankful that he will be ok.

I feel for her kids, his wife and his parents.  The physical pain is temporary but the emotional fear of phone calls and waiting results doesn't easily disappear.  It is obvious that so many people experience much worse and that I should just consider this life as usual.  But I am feeling morose and just simply sad for my family and friends ad even for myself right now.

Will get over it and be in a better mood tomorrow.  Today, just going to hope for the best.


  1. Yes, tomorrow will be better and sunnier!?

  2. im just curoius as to who your favorite man is next to your husband and son????

  3. Well it used to be my brother but it may be Flat Stanley now.
