Monday, January 25, 2010

Purpose of Movies

When I was younger I thought the movies were created to simply entertain the audience.  Entertainment defined as laughter, shock, or even escape.  As I grew up, I also realized that cinema and the entertainment industry are responsible for bringing issues up for debate, for helping the masses think in a different point of view and for pushing agendas (political or otherwise).  Simplistic definition of entertainment but its a starting point.

Recently, I read that AVATAR the movie is causing controversy and protests.  It's encouraging to see that some of the nuisances are realized and discussed.  The environmentalist aspect and the anti-war themes are appropriate issues that should be debated considering what we are dealing with today.  Then there are the "i want an issue to have an issue" people such as the feminists who claim the male alien body looked stronger than the female body.  I think it is like complaining about potential smoke damage when your house burns to the ground.

Thinking I was done with Sci Fi following those Lord of the Rings movies (the boys insisted and I still cringe remembering the wasted hours), I saw this movie reluctantly.  Surprisingly I was happy I had seen this movie.  Loved the visual representation of the planet and enjoyed the story line.  It may not have had the strong affect on my value system that it apparently did on others, but I did catch some of the themes as relevant to our current issues and it sparked stimulating conversations with friends.

I love going to the movies.  Not such a glamorous evening out but usually a great time and terrific memories.  My son still mocks me for the time we saw "Hancock"  (a comedy) and I cried non-stop all the way home.  Seems the movie triggered something bizarre. Also loved to discuss Al Gore's movie with my son to emphasis our global situation and environmental responsibilities.

I can't forget the conversation I had with senior partners at Anderson Consulting while I was trying to run up that corporate ladder years ago.  We were having dinner at a formal restaurant in Manhattan Beach CA, discussing favorite movies.  I had mentioned a recent art flick called "The Cook The Thief, His Wife and Her Lover".  I had thought I was so cool and hip and current.  Opps wrong audience... major career faux pas.  The middle aged partner and our conservative client thought I was a total flake and so did I when they mentioned films like "The Great Gatsby".  Only one of several movie reference mistakes made at work.  I ruined the ending of "Sixth Sense" for a multi-million dollar  client and I recommended "The Crying Game" to a (unbeknownst to me) born-again Christian co-worker with decision making authority.

I still laugh thinking about the movie "Jagged Edge". My twin and I had gone to the Dipson theatre on Main Street and it was packed.  The scene were the window was just smashed scared the hell out of my sister.  She jumped up and  punched the guy next to her in the face!  He was so shocked  I thought he was going to punch her back.  Speaking of Annie, I suggested she see "Shallow Grave".  She hated it and now will never take another film recommendation from me.

Controversy or simple memories, I say bravo to AVATAR and cinema in general.

1 comment:

  1. Would only go if I had a boy your age who asked me to go w/ him (to Avatar). I did so to one of the Star Wars movies and fell asleep during some galaxy war.
