Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Goodbye Sugar Daddy, Hello Sugar Mama

You have to read this NY Times article regarding men marrying wealthier women.  Although men don't marry wives, they marry women who become wives.  Sorry.

I have a comment about almost every point in this article. WOW am I worked up today.

Let's start with Paul Fucito's quote "In recent decades, with the rise of well-paid working wives, the economic gains of marriage have been a greater benefit for men.”  The way I see it men always get the greater benefit economic or otherwise.  They get a cook, cleaner, nanny, therapist and now a financial provider.

"In 1970, 4 percent of husbands had wives who made more money; in 2007, 22 percent did."  Bravo that there are women who make more than their husbands.  We are a bright gender with strong skills and intellects.  I think any man who has a problem with it isn't worth marrying anyway.

"College-educated wives are less likely to have a husband who is college-educated "  I find this statistic bothersome.  Why are we marrying men who are less educated than we are?  Is it because college educated men are intimidated?  Is it because we have some sick caretaking issue?  Is it because we are working so hard developing our brain that we have no energy to put into our relationships and therefore settle?

I believe your spouse should help you become the best that you can be.  You are working together not competing against each other.  As women, we have done this for generations.  We have been the support behind our men.   So what happens when our men decide that we can take care of the house, the kids and the finances while they stay home playing video games and fantasty football? It's like some kind of Benjamin Buttons  suffrage; women are free and men want to be bound.

Well not all guys.  Kudos to the real men who are equal partners in the relationship, whether they are the primary bread winner or the stay-at-home dad. 


  1. I am all over this. Best article in years!!!! Its about time that men have gained some intelligence on the marriage game. Like the million man march, we men need to stand together and stop being taken such advantage of. Women need to start pulling their own weight and what better topic then earning some bread. Stop mooching off of the male for a change. Sure, some women clean and cook, but not many. And those that do I bet their husbands wished they didnt. I think we are on teh right track here and now if we can only get the women to hoot and hollar at us when we walk will be heaven.

  2. If you want this change you will have to be willing to receive an allowance from your wife, to do the circular household tasks, to work daily with no thanks or appreciation and to make sure you look good on her arm at parties. I am not sure your gender is up for it.

    Oh and you will not hear hoots and hollers because the female gender is not obsessed by the aesthetics of the male form nor are we animals who resort to screaming obscenities for attention.
