Monday, January 10, 2011

Shocking Research on Tears

Its a big one:  Women's emotional tears are a sexual turn off for men.  Hope remains for the weaker sex. So even if I am wearing that sexy thong and you have opened an expensive bottle of champagne, if I cry the date's over?

Isreali researchers have found that there is a chemical reaction in men triggered by women's emotional tears.  You have to read the research to get all the details, but I find this amazing.  To be able to determine a chemical reaction in one gender based solely on the olfactory function of another is really cool science.

However, should we be surprised by the results?  I would hope that any man worth his testosterone, would find women's crying as a significant signal to keep the zipper up and try a little compassion instead.

One of the other lesser interesting notes about this research is why it was done using women's tears.  Apparently the test team could not find men who cry.  Now that two men have been identified, the research can continue.

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