Thursday, January 6, 2011

Five Minute Review

I am hooked on the Harvard Business Review.  Not that I am in a position to implement the suggestions or to even discuss the options, but I love the intellect and point of view conveyed in most of the articles.

Recently I read a blog by Peter Bregman on Managing Yourself which suggested that you spend the last 5 minutes of your  day to consider what worked and what didn't.  The point is to continually learn and improve.  Review our successes and work toward repeating them, while evaluating your failures and work toward changing the actions that caused such failures.

I love this idea and not just for work.  How productive it would be to evaluate the the entire day I know myself and unfortunately that evaluation usually takes place while I am lying in bed unable to sleep.  Replaying what I could have said better or how I could have handled a situation differently.  At the very least I should be able to sleep better at night.

So for today, here are a few things I am considering:
- Read the paper before work. Definitely a plus that made me more aware of my surroundings.
- Yelled at the kid to wake up at least 3 times and still he did not have time for a good breakfast.   Not good.  Should have told him once, made the breakfast and refuse to drive him until the breakfast was eaten.  Will try that tomorrow.
- Experienced two great customer service results.   WIll send thank you's to their management.

 Pretty easy to do.  Think I will continue on this path.

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE this idea! But what if I ain't got nothin' good to report at the end of the day? Damn.
