Saturday, January 8, 2011

Leaks - Where's the Plumber

We live in an old home and have therefore had numerous experiences with leaky faucets.  No only is it a waste of valuable resources (water) but that annoying drip drip drip sounds is enough to drive someone insane.  For leaks, we call our plumber.  Who can we call to fix our WikiLeaks problem?

When Mr. Assange first came into the media, I had mixed feelings.  As a techno-geek I was thrilled by the ability to pull it off; as a US citizen I was embarrassed and empathetic toward our political "agents"; as a bit of a rebel at heart I was satisfied that secrets would be uncovered.  However, after much consideration I as an adult realize that some things need to remain secret.

Let's be realistic, in utopia we would all be open and free and honest.  That's not the way the global world works, it not the way anyone works.  This is not utopia and face it the general population is not all that bright.  Need I refer to the popularity of Sarah Palin and The Jersey Shore?  Hate to quote a movie, but Jack Nicholson was right "You can't handle the truth".

Sure I want transparency.  But not 100%.  Not when we are putting so many foreign government officials at risk.  It would be different, if the average citizen had a plan to accomplish the same goals without using some of the tactics employed.  The Monday morning quarterback lives.  Who among the average internet surfer is equipped to comment beyond - "Wow we are terrible and shouldn't do it".  Is that same person free of any white lie, any creative tax technique, any extra cable?

Its not black and white.  If we are so concerned about being all knowing, where is the list of attendees to Chaney's energy talks while at the White House?  Where are the banking documents?  Does anyone else find it odd that our nations security secrets are devulged prior to the secrets of our financial institutions?  Money talks.

My faucets continue to leak, water is being wasted, the noise is making me crazy and the plumber continues to deflate my wallet.  Aren't our government officials being wasted?  Are you sick of all the internet noise regarding these leaks?  How much is it going to cost to fix the damage that is being done?  We need a extra strength plumber.

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