Monday, January 24, 2011

Is it so difficult to say thanks?

I have a huge problem with people who cannot say thank you.  In the past few days, it has happened so much that I am considering taking out a billboard reminding people what common courtesy is all about.

The one that really annoyed me and seems to be the straw that broke the camel's back, involves email. We all know that as convenient and ubiquitous as email has become, it often causes misunderstandings.  The inability to consistently get the intended emotion (emoticons aside)  for the written words, is difficult to address.  HOWEVER, there are a few words that can help. Two are Thank You.

Let's take this example.  I was doing a favor for someone.  This someone is a new acquaintance so we do not have much of a repor and we relate strictly in a professional environment.  The favor may have seems little but it was an inconvenience and took several hours of my time.  We discussed the details via email.  With over 5 emails written, he did not ONCE say the words thank you...nothing mentioning appreciation...nothing acknowledging  my time commitment...nothing nothing nothing.   After the first two, I made it a point to add thank you to each of my notes.  The big guy did not get the hint.

It's not that I need a parade or monster recognition.  It's also not like I am so hurt and dismayed by his ignorance.  I just think that people need to be a bit more considerate.  I lost respect for him due to this and even more so I will not go out of my way to help him.

I can type Thank You in less than 2 seconds.  Was the absence of this sentiment worth those two extra seconds?

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