Monday, August 2, 2010

Gone Again

We dropped Max off at camp yesterday and already the house is feeling empty and quiet.  Everything changes when he is away.  Granted I get so much more done.  THe cab driver role and house cleaner role are very time consuming when you have a teenager.

This week we will eat differently.  No real meals, unless its a salad.  Most likely we will go out for a cocktail before dinner and then just catch some appetizers.

This week we will relax differently.  No games or playing cards or tackling each other.  Most likely we will take long walks and read.

This week the house will be clean.  Big difference.  Less laundry, no more glasses and food in the family room, no stray GatorAide bottles or candy rappers, no sweatshirts on the kitchen table or sporting equipment blocking the door entrances.

This week will be quiet.  No new ipod sounds, no screaming video games, no non-stop text messaging.  No never ending stories, no non-stop questions, no hysterical laughing.

I can't wait until Max come home.

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