Saturday, August 14, 2010

Email Virus

Woke up this morning to find that some medical company worm got into my hotmail account and sent ALL my contacts a bogus email regarding pharmaceuticals.   So now I am getting emails from people I have not spoke to in years, asking what the hell I am doing.

I subscribed to this email account back when email first started.  Seriously.  I have used it for something like 20 years.  I have every parent in my son's class in that list,  every person I  worked with or for, every board member from every board I have served on and all my friends and family.  I am so completely embarrassed by this.

Now I will need to cancel my account and create a new one.  Big Giant Pain In the A$%.

If you received such a link from me, I am very sorry and have no idea what happened.

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