Friday, August 13, 2010

Embarrassed at Yoga

I love doing yoga.  Several years ago,  I would practice about 3 times a week and never felt better.  After the pace maker I stopped going.  Well my wonderful husband bought us yoga classes for the next 6 weeks.    It is awesome to get back into it.

Usually I mock my hubby during this time.  He has been known to laugh at the participant's flatulence; expose some serious crack during the downward dog, snoring during our srivasana  and get stuck in a binding pose.  I know I am being mean when he is so sweet to do this to me. But I think I am better at this and there are few things I do better than my husband. Not too competitive huh?

So last night we are at yoga and I am feeling a little off.  It is warm and I am tired.  During our floor stretches I notice my husband is pretty flexible so of course I need to one up him in the balancing pose.  He pushes me over.  We wonder why the kid gets in trouble in school when he has two parents yuking it up at yoga.  Anyway, it was a great class and we are ready to rest.

The last five minutes of class you lie down and completely relax.  Usually our favorite part.  The instructor pulls you out of this relaxation with three chime rings.  A gentle awakening.  I don't know why, it could have been the low lights and slight breeze from the window, but I fell asleep.  This never happens.  I don't even fall asleep that fast when I am trying.  I am out cold.  Did not hear the chimes.  Next thing I know I hear the instructor.  I jump up to see that the entire class is in the sitting pose (I am lying down) and looking in my direction. Mortified I jump into the sitting pose in time to say Namaste.

Gathering what little pride I have left, we leave the room and start our walk home.  I look at my husband and chastise him for not waking me. "Why didn't you nudge me or say something?"  He gives me that sneaky look and states "Apparently I am the better yoga master who can control my body and mind".

Hubby 1:  Bonnie 0

1 comment:

  1. Sure you didn't faint? Just asleep? Did the dr take your pulse?
