Sunday, May 2, 2010

Few Hours with a Friend

Are you fortunate enough to a have good friends?  I am not talking about the number on your Facebook page, I am talking about that person (or those people) who really means something to you.  I am lucky to have some great friends, but one in particular stands out today.

We will call her "Skinny T".  She has been my dearest friend since we were in kindergarden, when being friends meant wearing the same clothes, watching the Thanksgiving Day parade together and laughing in class. It's because of her I am married to my husband and its because of her I always have someone who I can confide in, trust, laugh and cry with.  Although she lives about 5 hours away and we don't see each other often, she is truly my closest friend.

This weekend she was in town for a family event.  Unfortunately, family commitments trumped our time together but we managed to share a few hours. Its been about 40 years since we were together with chicken pox or newly pierced ears.  Now she has two beautiful daughters (who I love like my own), an amazing husband (who sets another fantastic male role model for my son) and a happy life.  Seeing her this weekend made me realize how much I really miss her and how important she has been to me.

My son has some terrific friends.  Sometimes I look at them and try to determine who will be his "Skinny T".   I want to convey to him that Facebook friends are not friends.  Its not about the quantity its about the quality.

So here are some photos of my "surrogate daughters" with my son, my closest friend and of course I couldn't resist the photo of me and my baby :-).

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