Thursday, May 6, 2010

Catch Phrase

I have adopted a catch phrase.  For much of my adult life I have found myself in situations where I just didn't have the right thing to say.  You know the times when you are asked to do something you just don't want to do, or you are given that backhanded compliment, or you are confronted with that subtle insult.  Rather than replaying the moments later and fantasizing about what could have been said, I decided I needed a quick transitional response.

So I will share this with you.  "Be that as it may".  Simple, right?  On first glance, you may think how is this a good phrase?  It is a polite, non-confrontation segue way, that cannot really be argued.  It can stop the conversation dead or it can give you enough time to leave.  It can stand alone, or you can finish it with some creativity.

" Honey, I can't believe you are wearing an 8".  "Be that as it may, I am having dessert" is so much better than saying "shut it you fat cow".

"You know the teachers of the honors classes are so much better than those teaching your son"  "Be that as it may, he is learning a great deal" is so much better than saying "your son is an idiot regardless of his teachers."

"The committee fundraising is down this year and we need you to donate $5k" "Be that as it may" while holding their glance and walking away is so much better than "Am I ever more than a checkbook to you?"

Try it.  But remember overuse will diminish its power.


  1. I like it, and I also know all of those situations you're talking about!!!!! But I'd still say shut tfu.

  2. Be that as it may, I happen to agree with Sarah. Shut the F up works well in place of be that as it may and can be hard to say when drinking....

  3. Interesting! You're still creative like in Dr. Halavais blogging class...
