Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Wild Kingdom Continues

Below you will find the most recent beast terrifying my city dwelling.

For the record, this typically cute fuzzy bunny is making me crazy.  He appeared a few days ago and has decided that he will greet me every morning.

Oh at first, I thought how cute.  Nature is beautiful and I am lucky to be a part of it.  An appropriate sentiment when you have time, not so much when you are in a hurry.  See this bunny likes to sit in the middle of my driveway while I am attempting to leave or return to the garage.

During this photo, he was next to the driveway and did not leave until I was about a foot away.  He then scampered through the yard presumably to eat my flowers (not too much of a problem seeing as they die after a few days anyway).

However the next day he was directly in the driveway.  I wanted to him and he ran away.  I enter the car to back up and he is back in the driveway.  So I have leave the car running, go up to him and he leaves.  The following day I am driving into the garage and have to stop as he is in the middle of the driveway and not moving.  I beeped the horn, yelled and flashed the lights.  Nothing.  So I leave the car walk to the bunny and he leaves.

This has happened half a dozen times.  My sensitive side worries that I will be racing to or from the driveway and simply not see him.  Rabbit stew for dinner.  My cynical side has the same fear with the horror of having to clean up the carcass.

I doubt if I could catch it nor do I want to try.  Anyone have any ideas for eliminating bunnies from the blacktop?


  1. I would stick to the rabbit stew idea...its very lean meat! Tastes just like chicken.

  2. I catch my chipmunks who play beer pong in my attic in "Have-A-Heart" traps. Catch him with the trap (it doesn't hurt them, but may give them a heart attack!), and bring him out to my neck of woods in the neighborhood of Wild Kingdom.

  3. Maybe this is a new career for us - RODENT HUNTERS!
