Monday, April 26, 2010

Club Carnage

I just spent a fantastic weekend with my siblings.  My twin was in from Chicago and we decided to live it up Saturday night.  After an amazing dinner at the Thirty One Club, we hit Chippewa.

It has been a while since I went out to a dance club but it was 11pm, we were dressed to celebrate and felt like loud music. Wasn't as expected.

First of all, clubs do not get crowded here until midnight and there is something sad and depressing about a nightclub with only 8 people in it.

Second, I must be getting old because I could not believe the way some of these girls dressed and conducted themselves.  I get it - we are all out to have a good time and cut loose.  However, if you take a size 16 and haven't seen an exercise since your big wheel, you may want to refrain from wearing shorty shorts and a half top.  Not too mention passing on the skin tight tube dress.  The guy who made lycra is crying right now!

Third, I cannot think of a situation where it would be appropriate for a girl to spread her legs, squat, and pump her butt up and down in front of a strange guy.  This is not dancing or is it sexy.  These moves make stripers look classy.  Ugh.

We wound up having a terrific time just watching the crowd and the evening was saved until we went to The Snooty Fox and I was injured.  Some troll of a man had to push his way into the bar to get a free drink prior to some time limit dictated on his bracelet. He proceeded to stomp his 200 pounds on my baby toe, which was of course adorned in a pair of lovely 4 inch strappy heals.  Oh I told him what I thought of him and thankfully my siblings interceded prior to me using my heels as a weapon.  However I am in pain.

My toe is a lovely rainbow of purple, black and green.  It was even worse when I crammed it into a new pair of high shoes for a dress I wore to yet another event yesterday. There is no sympathy for a broken toe, even if your visiting sister is a podiatrist.

My club days are over.  Feel free to send get well soon cards for may injured toe.


  1. I think pain pills might be better than a card?

  2. That is what is lacking in this city, a fun dance club for the exhuberant adult people! I love to dance but do not like those Chippewa clubs - they don't understand the art of dancing!

  3. Oh definitely would prefer pain pills! As for the clubs, I couldn't agree more Gwen. What about a dance club that starts at 10pm so those of us who have jobs or children or appts in the am can still enjoy a nice evening?
