Friday, April 30, 2010

My Shoes

If you know me, you will know that I love shoes, especially high heeled, expensive shoes.  I hate to admit it because Sex In the City made the obsession a little too cliche and pop.  Note that I am of the Imelda Marcus shoe craze not the Carrie Bradshaw craze. Probably not any better.

Anyway, I tend to buy shoes when I am sad, happy, sick, feeling ugly, feeling pretty, bored, ... you get the point.  I even remember people and events based on the shoes I was wearing.  I cannot tell you the names of girls I went to high school with, but I can describe the strappy white sandals I wore for my graduation.  My bridal shower shoes were an amazing white suede pump.  When I was 9 months pregnant, carrying 65 additional pounds, I wore black sequin sandals with a 3 inch heel to a holiday party.  I clearly remember my first pair of Manolo's purchased with great friends at the NYC store.

Doesn't matter if they are Michael Kors, Betsy Johnston or even Kim Kardashian...I love shoes.  Although I may like Christian Louboutin the best (don't tell my husband he has no idea how much I pay for these things!)

I bring this up because I have several events to go to this weekend and need to pick a shoe so as to decide on an outfit.  My shoes dictate my dress/suit.  Because I have a broken toe (thanks to the idiot troll at The Snooty Fox) I have been wearing each pair for as much time as possible daily.  Need to be sure I can walk without crying.  So I have been running up and down the stairs, to and from the garage wearing jeans, pj's or sweatpants but feeling fabulous in any of these amazing shoes.  This by the way is not helping my toe feel better and has been highly discouraged by my sister the podiatrist.

These are the top contenders.

Not the newest or the most expensive.  Certainly not comfortable but they each make me feel good and for no other reason than I love them!


  1. The animal print ones are delicious! You have to wear those.

  2. NO to the leopard print even though they are delicious, let that poor pinky not be squished? Is Gwen Bat Girl? And wearing MY cape?
