Friday, October 23, 2009

The Site Begins

I am not sure if it is bravado or dismay that has dictated entry into the blogosphere but here I am prepared to write and rant about whatever I want. Definitely empowering and possibly cathartic.

This blog will be written with only one goal: to make me feel better. It may be that I will feel better by providing an outlet for what I am uncomfortable with or concerned about, it may be that I will feel better knowing that I have a goal regardless of how meaningless, or just maybe I will feel better by calling myself a writer. There will be no rules or restrictions to when or what or why I write. It will simply just be.

Now I have taken the first most difficult step of beginning. The rest will be easy.

1 comment:

  1. You go girl! Someone who works at The News just asked me what my goal was in my blog. I said, "goal?" So you're already ahead of the game, knowing you had to have a goal!
