Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Win or Lose It's How You Play the Game

Remember your parents telling you that it doesn't matter if you win or lose, it's how you play the game.  I just keep thinking about how the presidential election game was played this year and how maybe some campaign managers didn't get their mom's message.

If you know me or have ever read my blog, you will know that my candidate did win and of course I am happy about that. I have many friends who had and have very different views, opinions and favorites. Those people are educated, aware and involved.  I respect them and value their opinions.  We were able to have conversations which brought to light differing opinions and approaches as well as taught me a few things.  No my mind was not changed nor do I think I chanced their minds.  But we are all better off for having those discussions.

That's not how I feel about the candidates.  The debates were devoid of truth and facts, simply littered with opinions and attacks disguised as truth.  The NY Times published a fantastic Op Ed piece by Thomas Friedman today that really made me realize what a disappointment this process has become.  My son will be eligible to vote in the next presidential election, what will that be like?

Did you happen to see the news piece that focused on a campaign to scare voters into thinking they were not legal to vote?  Billboards were established in low income, under educated neighborhoods stating voter fraud was punishable by a $10k fine and 3 years in jail.  Those neighborhoods were blanketed with mail pieces claiming that if these folks voted they would be doing so illegally.  Now I am sure some of these people were probaly not registered, but what was the purpose of these tactics?  Obviously to not have this "group" perform their civil duty.  I get that this was not a political sanctioned move but the brain child of some overly zealous Romney supporters..not that the overly zealous Obama supporters couldn't have come up with a similiar move.  But when you look at what the candidates are doing, can you be surprised that their supporters are following suit?

Regardless of whether your candidate won or lost, it is time to get together and support our political leaders - that means the president, the senate and the congress.  Yes express your difference of opinion and yes financially support those who you want to see in power.  But do so with civility not with emotionaly jabs, damaging lies and a reluctance to work together.  As cheesy as it may sounds, we are after all Americans.


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